Azusa RP Online

by Inutaishos
Azusa RP Online
New Game Mode: Battle Arena, and Free to play steam period!

Help Azusa to have its official launch at Steam by becoming a Patreon!

Discord Channel:
Download and Play Azusa:


*Don't stop a player from receiving his subscription/crowdfund or credit perks, with any method;
Unless said player is breaking common player rules!
*Don't abuse mindlessly, many reports may result in the closure of a server.
*Every custom icon still follows the custom icon rules listed at the custom icon topic at the forums; if a server doesn't follow them, the server can be closed.
*Keep in mind private servers only update at .5 versions!
*Private servers can't be opened during their downtime periods, and usually return a period after the official releases, contact Inutaishos to know more about current states

Official Gameplay Video;


Concept arts: Daniel Bretas(Maquina sem Tempo),Inutaishos
Pixel arts: Murilo, Inutaishos, Diaz, Fergus, I am the Boss.
Turf arts: Time Fantasy, Inutaishos
Story: Inutaishos
Programing: Inutaishos
Owner: Inutaishos
Music/Sound Effects: Artur Wilson (Evil_Masterpain)
That is a nice line drawing! Add texture and tone to make it look perfecto.
Mt loco esse jogo , mal posso esperar vc acha q vai ter um serv BR? (provavelmente n duraria mt como no pkmn eu acho...)
Vai ter um servidor BR sim, mas vai comecar com um servidor de RP teste em ingles, dps qndo lancar oficialmente devo lancar o BR e o gringo ao msmo tempo,
na verdade isso vai depender do numero de admins aptos me ajudando e tals
Que loco *-* , to ansioso pra jogar o/
e mais uma coisa quando eu tava jogando tem uma parte que vc consegue construir coisas com pedras e madeiras, certo?
Consegui construir com Madeira , derrubando as arvores
Mas como q eu pego pedras? essa parte n entendi :/ , o jogador precisa de alguma picareta ou algo parecido?
Soh atacar as montanhas
(Detalhe que voce aumenta sua habilidade de construcoes lendo um livro, e quao maior for sua habilidade, mais coisas voce pode construir)
aah ta vou tentar agora xD
Vlw o/
Vish...ja n da pra tentar ahsahsah >.<
First impressions are positive, the only thing that I don't see as good is the wipes.
Player's devoting hours to a game only to have their characters destroyed is a bit silly and uncalled for.

If you could come up with a way to "restart" with some of the skills your old character had, that would probably keep players. As things stand tho I have to be honest I probably wouldn't play this game under normal means knowing that my character would get wiped (it would be a waste of time to me)

Also....this file is HUGE o_O