Basically, how does it look!?
Character creation screen, relatively simple and easy to use.
Character creation screen. Despite being full of information it still has a lot of empty space :[
Inventory, though you don't get a good idea of how it works from this (no equipment to show you yet).
But the boxes at the top are where equipment goes when equipped.
They are (from top left)
Accessory 1, Head, Accessory 2
Waist, Right Hand, Body, Left Hand, Hands (gloves etc)
Back, feet (5 boxes, but 3 are not used)
Skill screen. I'd make the effect section bigger, if I knew how!
And the main screen.
It only displays info needed.
A map, next to that some basic character info. Below that is a quick slot bar (assigned to keys 1 to 0), below that buttons to open other windows (also have keys to do this) and next to that an output window to talk (below that is a box to enter text, though it is hard to tell).

That is all for now, but I only have like... 3 more windows to add once I get around to adding the systems for them (party window which will double as a screen to see summoned creatures, a shop which will also double as a bank/storage screen and a trade screen).
So what do you think so far? Anything that could be improved or changed?
I think the first three or so need more colors/excitement. They look a little bland.
Jeff8500 wrote:
I think the first three or so need more colors/excitement. They look a little bland.
The 3rd one would have more colour, once it has items in it and items equipped and so on.

As for the others, how would I add more colour to them exactly? I cannot just randomly change the colours of things because then what is the point of a colour theme?
The Magic Man wrote:
Jeff8500 wrote:
I think the first three or so need more colors/excitement. They look a little bland.
The 3rd one would have more colour, once it has items in it and items equipped and so on.

As for the others, how would I add more colour to them exactly? I cannot just randomly change the colours of things because then what is the point of a colour theme?

Possibly by adding a textured background or something.
Jeff8500 wrote:
The Magic Man wrote:
Jeff8500 wrote:
I think the first three or so need more colors/excitement. They look a little bland.
The 3rd one would have more colour, once it has items in it and items equipped and so on.

As for the others, how would I add more colour to them exactly? I cannot just randomly change the colours of things because then what is the point of a colour theme?

Possibly by adding a textured background or something.

The limitations in BYOND wouldn't make that work, all areas with text would still be a solid block of colour :[
I tried it, and until this sor tof feature gets added it's not possible to do.
The Magic Man wrote:
Jeff8500 wrote:
The Magic Man wrote:
Jeff8500 wrote:
I think the first three or so need more colors/excitement. They look a little bland.
The 3rd one would have more colour, once it has items in it and items equipped and so on.

As for the others, how would I add more colour to them exactly? I cannot just randomly change the colours of things because then what is the point of a colour theme?

Possibly by adding a textured background or something.

The limitations in BYOND wouldn't make that work, all areas with text would still be a solid block of colour :[
I tried it, and until this sor tof feature gets added it's not possible to do.

Oh I kinda forgot about labels/buttons in that respect. Possibly you could use something similar to mik_chat; you set a transparent color then set the background to labels/buttons to the transparent color. I remember there being problems with doing that though...
For BYOND's current limitations with skins, I think they're very good looking.
I want to be able to look at details for the various classes. Perhaps you could make the names links to detail pages or something, I don't know. Other than that, I think it looks good.

I don't like the RMXP icons. >_>
At least get custom charsets and tilesets if you absolutely must go with RM2k/RMXP
Jeff8500 wrote:
Oh I kinda forgot about labels/buttons in that respect. Possibly you could use something similar to mik_chat; you set a transparent color then set the background to labels/buttons to the transparent color. I remember there being problems with doing that though...

That forces DS to render maps using Graphics hardware, which causes a bunch of fun problems. It also won't work in Vista, IIRC.

Magic Man, I think the layout looks good. It's clean and simple. Only suggestion I can make is give the right-side panels more space.
Character creation screen could use some graphics, honestly little representations next to each class in the form of an icon would be a great way to make it look more finished.

I like the stat page, it actually makes me want to play the game.

I see the inventory page, its not bad but you should consider placeholder graphics when theres nothing equipped, it shouldnt be too hard to code.

Skill screen needs work, its great except the columns need work, change Level to Lv or Lvl or L, Mp Cost to MP, and Tier i suppose you have to keep the same or change it to T. Regardless you need to get those 1 digit columns to take up less room so that you can get the full name of the skill, otherwise you need to change it so that the 3 boxes are all vertically layered instead of trying to stack primary and secondary on the same level.

Main screen, status inventory etc should be buttons and you can then get a graphic artist to make some pretty ones to spice up the interface, Other things look pretty good except the skills, they are too scattered because they have the number prefix, then the icon and then the name of the skill and it doesnt all fit properly. Text cut off is bad so you either want to make room or figure out how to have it not show the name of the skill and go off the gui graphic or something.
You could try using a unique or different font, other than the default one.
Masterdan wrote:
Character creation screen could use some graphics, honestly little representations next to each class in the form of an icon would be a great way to make it look more finished.
Could probably do that easily.
I was going to use the actual player icon used for each classes, but didn't have enough room.
So maybe a small, simple icon to represent each class would do instead? (Such as a sword for warrior, katana for samurai, wand for wizard, flame for elementalist, skull for necromancer and so on)

I like the stat page, it actually makes me want to play the game.

I see the inventory page, its not bad but you should consider placeholder graphics when theres nothing equipped, it shouldnt be too hard to code.

That wouldn't be too hard to do either.

Skill screen needs work, its great except the columns need work, change Level to Lv or Lvl or L, Mp Cost to MP, and Tier i suppose you have to keep the same or change it to T. Regardless you need to get those 1 digit columns to take up less room so that you can get the full name of the skill, otherwise you need to change it so that the 3 boxes are all vertically layered instead of trying to stack primary and secondary on the same level.

The problem right now is that I cannot figure out a way of specifiying a width for columns in a grid. Shortening the text of Mp Cost and Level helps some what, but it doesn't help that much.
The alternatives are to remove the effect description, or replace it.
Something like

Main screen, status inventory etc should be buttons and you can then get a graphic artist to make some pretty ones to spice up the interface, Other things look pretty good except the skills, they are too scattered because they have the number prefix, then the icon and then the name of the skill and it doesnt all fit properly. Text cut off is bad so you either want to make room or figure out how to have it not show the name of the skill and go off the gui graphic or something.

Graphics for buttons is easy enough to do.
As for skills/items in the small hotbar (the number next to it is the number to use whatever is there, but at the moment clicking on it also works), I can easily just display the icon, it would work the same except the ability to click on the skill to use it would be lost.

Magic Man, I think the layout looks good. It's clean and simple. Only suggestion I can make is give the right-side panels more space.

I keep forgetting that not everyone has the same sized resolution as me. Because on my computer the right side of the screen has plenty of space.
But yeah, I can easily make more room for it on smaller resolutions too.

I want to be able to look at details for the various classes. Perhaps you could make the names links to detail pages or something, I don't know. Other than that, I think it looks good.

This already happens. When you select a class a small window pops up giving details about said class.

I don't like the RMXP icons. >_>
At least get custom charsets and tilesets if you absolutely must go with RM2k/RMXP

RMXP graphics are well suited to BYOND. They are more or less the right size, and look good. RMXP tile sets in particular look amazing when used properly. They are so good I would go as far as to say they are some of the best graphics you can get (and come in a large enough variety to make an entire game, which a lot of custom tile sets don't).
To prove this point, here is one I made earlier or something like that.
The problem right now is that I cannot figure out a way of specifying a width for columns in a grid.

I tend to add more columns using the cells parameter of the grid and then adjust the cell-span parameter for the cells that need more space.
happy with the change you made in the second skill screen pic. Im looking forward to play the game. Personally i have no problems with RPGMaker graphics, but once the game is publicly released i guarantee youll be able to get quality graphics of your own to replace it, as a later improvement.
To prove this point, here is one I made earlier or something like that.

Picture reminds of Assassins Creed :P

Masterdan wrote:
happy with the change you made in the second skill screen pic. Im looking forward to play the game. Personally i have no problems with RPGMaker graphics, but once the game is publicly released i guarantee youll be able to get quality graphics of your own to replace it, as a later improvement.

Naw. using RMXP graphics is perfect for me. I have a massive variety, hundreds of tile sets, characters, monsters and so on. They look good, and when used properly they probably look better than what the majority of BYOND artists can produce.
Also, I have used a ton of graphics, and importing them and making them useable is a pain in the ass. Not to mention making that many graphics could take a single person a good year or more to make.