Keywords: 101, roleplaying
1. If you don't have the Shinigami eyes or are Kira, you know nothing of the eyes or of the Death Note.

2. Killing everyone just to kill Kira/the killer (RK) is BAD ROLEPLAY. The same goes with attacking (RA), unless it was an accidental click, in which you should use two parenthesis and state it was an accident. *(())= OOC (Out Of Character) speak in IC (In Character) speak*

3. Ask the host of the game if you are allowed to bash down doors. Some hosts don't like it, and will ban you if you do so.

4. It is considered bad roleplay to announce names over the intercom. That's just cheating, in my opinion. A few servers will allow it, though. Make sure to ask the host.

5. It is considered bad roleplay to knock down the office door because 'Kira might get your names'. Since you have no knowledge of the Death Note, you have no idea why giving out your name is bad.

6. When I'm Kira, I like to roleplay my kills. As in, put a reason for each reason I use the Death Note. This is not required, however, it is more fun in my opinion.

That is what I have to say. For more, use the official guide at (something EVERYONE should look at. As well as the 'Nyaa Guide', located by clicking the 'browser' tab in the game.)
Er, in the Manga, people who don't reside under rocky substances happen to know that there's a Kira, but no the method in which he kills in. People ALSO know that he/she uses names and faces to kill.
Unless our game creators removed that as a rule, I wouldn't count on us being COMPLETELY oblivious to the keelar.
YOU SUCK BIG ONES,. ~ Your mom
I remember you!