The apparent interest in this kind of maddness by This and This provoked me to write a review and check this out. I was as fair as I think I could be considering how this game is.
Also to the BYOND Anime staff, the earlier post was an accident. My cat jumped on the keyboard and I accidentally hit the Enter key when wrestling to get him down. Sorry!
I am in complete AWE of the downhill slump here.
First of all let me say that. The person involved with this image from IRC might get angry. I've seen people do bad paint edits for login' screens but all they seemed to have done is go to google and save it into the game's folder.
[Click for Screenshot]
Also I didn't really see, or after figure out the purpose for the whole "Signature" thing. What was I going to be writing a cheek to someone? Who knows, they never did tell me.
As far as playing and training?
Zeta2NewAge actually had better training then this, and I am being as respectful with this as possible mind you. Everytime I would hit the "Outside" I gained a level for one punch.
"You gained a level!
You gained a level!
You gained a level!
You gained a level!
You gained a level!
Not really good experience with that, at least not that I was able to find. Also with their NPC fighters that would attack you even as a new-player in the start area.
[Click for Screenshot]
Well between the login screen, and the fact that they made absolutely nothing graphic, and sound wise used in this game. I gave it a 2. I don't see myself being able to credit Sado for that.
The nicest way I can put this is, I wonder how many new-comers to BYOND feel a bit of Déjà vu when they play these games.
I guess if you're into Bleach, go for it. I don't see, or think will ever see anything good updates or changes to this game worth the time, but I can't speak for everyone. Summary of it is, the community is borderline as far as kindness seem to go. And the staffing is a bit slow. The gameplay is overly used, as well as the source. Overall I will give it a 4 just to be fair to it actually being more decent then some, and that it isn't the worst out there. Go play it if you want, but I'd advise against it.
![]() Aug 15 2008, 4:10 pm
The person whom wrote this review is obviously the kind of reviewer who logs on a game, plays for all of ~30 seconds then feels as if he/she has experienced the game enough to write a review for it. Exactly how long where you ON to see the staff? And how many of the players did you talk to? You obviously didn't stay very long because at level ~250 you can gain about 5 levels in half an hour, so I guess you didn't actually have any right to be reviewing the leveling speed. For that matter there are plenty of games out there that have the "1 hit gives 1e+009 xp" system where your needed to level never actually goes above 100(so I don't see what the point of that is anyway). As to not adding any sound, you apparently never even stuck around to watch anyone use their bankai. So, can you answer one question for me? Exactly how long did it take you to experience the game enough for you to have enough experience to write a review? Not very long I think.
Their experience? This review was obviously written by someone who didn't have any experience with the game because half of what they said about it is incorrect.
half of what they said is what happened to them. so you cant say its incorrect if you didnt experience it 100% as they did
And the half that is incorrect is the half that this person claimed as fact, which is in fact not. How long did he/she stay on? Not long enough to get bankai, which means that he/she played for less than an hour. Is an hours worth of playing enough to have an accurate view of the staff? No. Is it enough to have an accurate view of the player base? No. Did he/she play long enough to so much as SEE someone use bankai? No, because then he/she would see hear some sound. In fact just about the only two things that this person had enough experience to say, is that the NPCs attack people outside the hospital, and the login screen. The NPCs do that in all SoC based games. So you can't judge this game on that either. Can you point out ANYTHING else that he/she said that is relevant to a review? The review of the leveling is innacurate due to this person only doing it for about 3 minutes. The sound/graphic review is innacurate due to being incorrect. The player base and staff review is inaccurate due to the person having not stayed on for, looking at this review, much longer than 5 minutes. So, I think it's nice of you to defend him/her, and I agree that he/she has his/her own opinion and a right to voice them, but in the future I would appreciate it if before doing so, he/she would perhaps PLAY the game before writing a review about it.
Also- sorry about the him/her thing, I have no idea what the reviewers gender is, and I'm not going to go finding out, because I honestly don't care that much. Edit: From what I've seen, this person saw two other people bashing this game for the apparent fun of it (and I admit it was fairly funny) on THEIR MEMBER PAGES, then decided to take it further and come write a review with the same purpose in mind. Now I won't say I agree with bashing a game for the fun of it, but as long as it's on their member page - FINE. But this person came over to this games HUB and wrote a bad review after not playing the game, because he/she thought it would be fun. Or maybe it's this persons personal stand against rips? Either way it shouldn't be on this games hub. Want to dislike the game? Fine. Want to bash it for no apparent reason? Fine. Want to do it on your member page? Fine. Want to do it on the games hub? No. That's not what reviews are for. |
No I did not write this review with the "same purpose" in mind. I wrote it after seeing what all the fuss is about.
Also why should people have to play for over an hour just to see the good qualities of it? I was on the game for roughly 20-25 minutes. What's the point of needing to stay and train for an hour just for it to get good? The owner even said I was being fair to him with this review. So please, Itsaku. Don't go throwing a fit just because you don't like the number. Also, as irrelevant as it is, I am a Male. The point though is if people don't like it from the beginning it doesn't seem like they will stay. So instead of ranting about how long I should have played, go back to the owner because I think he might have to make some changes.(as he said earlier) |
Itsaku wrote:
The person whom wrote this review is obviously the kind of reviewer who logs on a game, plays for all of ~30 seconds then feels as if he/she has experienced the game enough to write a review for it. I'd agree partly with this, IF the game had something new to offer after playing for a cetain while. But in this case after playing for 10 minutes... I level up slower (but in exactly the same way) and I might hear a sound effect or two!!!!! Maybe if you could access quests, dungeons and storylines after the first 10 minutes you'd have something valid to say. But in this case you experience all of the game in 10 minutes (more like 2), because it is shallow and lacks anything to do other than train, fight and talk. (All of which are dull, uninspired and really not even worth it) If you want to say things like that come back when the game still has something to offer after playing for 5 minutes (and "BAN...KAI!!!" is not a valid answer either). |
SadoSoldier wrote:
If you would've stayed longer then 5 minutes, you would realize THERE ARE QUESTS you just have to be a higher level to do so, also if you have played it then tell me, whats the forbidden kido? what extra kido are there? if you have both sado arms do you have to wear them at the same time? do inoue have any new move? do sado have any new moves? did you look at the map? did you realize that ANYTHING was changed??? for if you don't know the answers to these questions you have no right to say ANYTHING about what new it has to offer And there is why I only would partly agree that playing a game for 5 minutes isn't a good time to judge a game. But I only partly agree because I don't want to have to play a game for hours before I get to the good stuff. I want the good stuff and I want it now, and I want it all the time while I am playing. Also, sorry to inform you, but your list of things to "experience" sucks. We gots quests!! (Gte to level 60 and become shinigami!!) And we got SKILLS. Oh wait, 99% of every other RPG game has skills, and you get them from the start and are constantly getting new ones. I don't want to play the game for hours to get a new arm skill or a "forbidden" skill. Like I said, you experience everything this game has to offer in 10 minutes at most. Come back when you have actual, detailed quest lines for me to do, dungeons for me to explore and a detailed, in depth combat system that requires stratergy to win, not being 2 million levels higher than everything else. Also, more than 10 monsters to fight in the entire game would be nice (most other games have hundreds to thousands for players of all level ranges, yours has something like one which everyone can kill, and one which no one can kill). In short, come back when you have a game I can play for 5 hours and... 1. Not spend 4 hours and 59 minutes of that hitting a punching bag of some sort. 2. Still have things to do at the end of that 5 hours (substantial things, not "you didn't get this or that item/skill"). Because trying to say things like "You can't give a fair review of this game because you never saw all 16 million colour variations of this item" or "This game has 10 100x100 maps, which is 100,000 tiles, you played for 5 minutes with an average of 10 ticks per second meaning you could have possibly walked on 3000 tiles, which is only 3% of all the tiles in the game... YOUR REVIEW IS INVALID, YOU NEVER WALKED EVERYWHERE AND DIDN'T EXPERIENCE THE FULL GAME!!!" Those are basically the same as your "reasons" why we have never experienced the full extent of your game, and honestly they are silly and insignificant. I and the person who made this review DID experience everything your game has to offer, which was suprisingly very little. |
All these points are completely invalid because of this: It's a SoC rip. Yes everyone knows it is, it's not being denied that it's a SoC rip. Do ANY SoC rips have anything to do but train fight and talk? No. So don't judge THIS game based on that. Do any any SoC rips have anything to do after 5 hours? Same answer, same response. No. Do any SoC rips have more than a few monsters to kill? No. And for the majority of said rips, killing the monsters yields nothing. Yes, a few games made them give higher stats than dummies. I once found a game that removed dummies and made killing NPCs the only way to level and gain stats (And I immensely enjoyed that game), but those are exceptions not rules. Dungeons? Have you even played any anime games before? Have any of them ever had any dungeons to explore? Maybe the .hack based one, but that's the only one I can think of. As for the amount of skills, (sorry Masterdan) let's take GOA, considered one of the best games to ever hit Byond, and look at it's skills. They didn't have many either. What about BLN? Nope, not the thousands of skills you apparently want. So perhaps before you come and judge a game badly for not being of MMORPG quality, you should go and take a look at the rest of the games on byond. This game DOES have several things the others don't, but you're judging it on the fact that it has less than Runescape or WoW. Not please, perhaps you could go and play one of those and stop making yourself look like a total idiot by judging MORPGs based on what you think an MMORPG should look like.
P.S. I'd just like to say that the comment about GOA was not meant to be negative in any way. I love GOA, it has been my favorite game since I started on Byond. |
The Magic Man wrote:
Come back when you have actual, detailed quest lines for me to do, dungeons for me to explore and a detailed, in depth combat system that requires stratergy to win, not being 2 million levels higher than everything else. Also, more than 10 monsters to fight in the entire game would be nice (most other games have hundreds to thousands for players of all level ranges, yours has something like one which everyone can kill, and one which no one can kill). The last few reasons are TRUE for ANY game BYOND usually. These are free games man, you can't expect godly stuff, but wtf do you think this is? Anime does NOT include dungeons, as far as I know only Medieval RPGs. |
Dragon783 wrote:
Still kinda reminds me of a grudge review, but whatever.... I'd love to see you give me some reasons why I'd have a grudge against the owner(Whom I don't know). Or his game(Which he even said this was a "polite" and "fair" review and said he has things to change). Truthfully, this goes back to what is said in Anime genre games. Why should we have to play a long time to figure out how it works? You guys make such a huge deal over reviews that offer some slightly not liked criticism towards the game. But if I was to give this a higher review, it wouldn't spark interest of spam from those who really play the game. What happened here is simple, I was interested after reading the two posts giving this game attention so I went and reviewed it as fairly as I saw fit to for a new-comer.(Owner even admits it, which is why I don't get what is so hard for the rest of the players of that game.) What you guys should do is actually take into account what I said, because it was not out of spite, a "grudge" or hate. I didn't make any insults in this post at all either. The thing is though is simply not having the ability in the community to take negativity. And if I said anything also that offended any of you(No clue what I may have said though) then I am so sorry to you. |
All I'm saying is its REALLY negative, like I've heard on another review, if its a bad game most people already know it. So I'm going to drop it now.
Nasasistik, the fact is, it was not a fair review. You reviewed the players and staff and then later admitted only having played for a half hour. That is not nearly enough time to be able to have an accurate view of either of those things. You didn't play long enough to have an accurate view of the leveling, and you didn't play long enough to have an accurate view of the icons. Admittedly, it is true what you said about the login screen, and the signature being a silly waste of time (but maybe later it will be used for something?). The rest of your review is NOT fair. SadoSoldier was trying to be nice and went out of his way to be nice to you, even after you made an unfair review of his game. Do some things need changed? Probably, but you wouldn't know what they are because you only played for a half hour. As for you, Magicman, you said you didn't want to spend hours training, and then said you didn't want to win because you're two million levels above anyone else. Well, which is it exactly? Do you want slow leveling or fast leveling, because as far as I can tell all your actually doing is trolling around on here constantly changing your opinion (even in the same post) for no reason but to annoy other people.
Itsaku, the problem with the whole "time" thing is why should someone play for a good stretch of time to have to finally enjoy the game? And truthfully with how most of the Bleach owners are I wouldn't be surprised totally if he didn't want to be nice to me either, so that matters not either way.
Now are you just going to keep bringing up this "time" factor? Because if so tell me so I can just prepare repeating myself over and over again about it. |
Kamaro Uchiha wrote:
Shouldnt a person enjoy the game the "second" they play it? not after an hour. I keep telling them that basically. |
To Kamaro Uchiha-
I didn't say he shouldn't enjoy it from the beginning you ignorant fuck, I said you should wait more than that amount of time to review it. He played for half an hour. If you logged on to Runescape for half an hour, would you be able to say you have an accurate view of the players? No, you would not. It's the same principle here, simply taken to a smaller scale. So please, take your "Shouldnt a person enjoy the game the "second" they play it?" theory and go elsewhere. I never said he shouldn't, I said it wasn't enough to REVIEW it. To Nasasistik: See above, but take most of the insults out. |
And say you're making an original all you want, after youve been known to have and support rips;lied even, i doubt you'll stick to your word here.