Poor Ripiz, we hardly knew ye...

=/ Aaanyway. Here you go.

Elation has arrived!
(Player){Elation}: Hey Ripiz. Stop spamming the forums, nobody likes you.
(Player){Ripiz-Saiyan}: no i wont
(Player){Elation}: =/ If you keep up your moronic spamming the mods'll just end up forum banning you.
(Player){Ripiz-Saiyan}: they wont
(Player){Elation}: Oh? Says who?
You have been booted by Ripiz-Saiyan because play if you want, if no get lost :}
they wont ban
... -Chokes cause he is laughing so hard-
Heh, I nearly did the same to him a while back, I also got banned :P.

I asked him to stop spammin' the forums, and to quit claiming that game as his own property, wich it isn't <_<.

But that guy really is a moron, nobody can help him.

Though, I have to admit, it is funny.
