
Poll: What would you rather want, a Pokemon or Gundam game?

Pokemon 38% (16)
Gundam 61% (26)

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I'm glad I never set this Pokemon game in stone, and that it was just a project team. I have now been thinking of creating a Gundam game, but i'll need the team first. Really all I need now are 2 pixel artists to work with me on this. Once I get this team together we will start on deciding which we should make, though I was thinking what BYOND would rather want.

So what would you rather want? A Pokemon or Gundam game?
Ima go with Pokemon over Gundam 'cause I cant see Gundam doing well lol
Gundam, never seen gundam byond games that are online and popular so I suggest gundam is sexier project
A good gundam game would be nice, but more difficult. BYOND has enough pokemon games though.
I didn't care about the diffaculy, though from what i've seen and now I think I should make a Gundam one.
Yeah, I supported your old Gundam game, and I'll support this one too.
I know many people who do many different things. If you want, i'll help you round up some staff.
Thanks a bunch! Really though its funny how many people know me for my worst game, Gundam was horrible, I mean trash anyone could have made it xD But i'll make this as best as I can, and if you do want to help, look for pixel artists who are interested ^^
Bakasensei wrote:
Thanks a bunch! Really though its funny how many people know me for my worst game, Gundam was horrible, I mean trash anyone could have made it xD But i'll make this as best as I can, and if you do want to help, look for pixel artists who are interested ^^

I might have already found you an Iconer and a GFX artist if you need one, the GFX added you to MSN as have I for easier interviews.
Err, I use AIM, my aim is the same as my msn, so people get confused xD Tell him to reply to the post before this one with his info and such.
Bakasensei wrote:
Err, I use AIM, my aim is the same as my msn, so people get confused xD Tell him to reply to the post before this one with his info and such.

I gave him a link, he should be on his way
Looks good, your hired XD
Hey, I don't have AIM.. How are we going to contact? Threw PAGER? Why don't you go on MSN. I added you. :/
I don't actually have msn, I use ebuddy xD So I rarely get on
Bakasensei wrote:
I don't actually have msn, I use ebuddy xD So I rarely get on

This is MLN's official Request Topic, if you want to do it easier, make an account and i'll ask someone to validate you, since MLN is employed by you, he'll bump other requests if you need something. index.php?showtopic=1432&st=0
I'm on Ebudy right now...
Come Baka get your azz started :O

- Old NC mate :P