What RPG Player (Not Character) Type Are You?
You scored as a Tactician
The Tactician enjoys opportunities to think his way through complex problems, usually those of the battlefield. He prefers realistic (or at least internally consistent and logical) rules and settings. He likes to be able to picture a scene in detail, so that he can make good decisions and reap their rewards—he particularly hates playing without a battle mat or miniatures. The Tactician becomes annoyed when other players make unsound decisions, or when they plow into encounters without thinking them through. For the Tactician, the greatest reward in gaming is a challenging yet logical obstacle for his character to overcome.
Tactician 65%
Character Player 60%
Power Gamer 60%
Weekend Warrior 55%
Casual Gamer 55%
Storyteller 50%
Specialist 40%
Jul 29 2008, 12:35 pm