Keywords: awesome, game, pokemon, team, work
Well as this says, i'm starting up a project team. My only goal right now is to make a Pokemon game, though different from every other one, cause its NOT turn-based. While you may say that ruins alot of stuff, I think it makes it better and more realistic to pokemon. But not just spamming commands and such, still having a hint of it added towards, such as having semi turn-base commands, like if your enemy and you have both attacked your wait times to use another attack disappear, though if you attacked, and your enemy hasn't it may make you vunerable for a small bit. And if your a trainer(Can pick trainer or pokemon) you can call out commands if your pokemon is a real player, and if he does not follow the commands you can throw him away(Making him lose exp as a penalty). Other stuff like this, but back to the team!

I would need the following:

Pixel Artists(2 or more:(Though I will help alot with the majority)
Pokemon/Base work(with moving states)
Effects work(Like pokemon attacks and such){Chewyy}(1 more optional)
Obj/Turf work

Programmer(s):(Though I will help alot with the majority)
Main jobs(Like small snippets, or balancing)
Helping(Helping out the main 2 programmers) {Tubutas}

Graphics Artist(s): (I may help)
Hub/Banner/Login screens, and Interface!(Also for forums) {MLNo9}
Other/Helper(Other work such as signatures and avatars) {Son Danny}

Forum/Site Manager

People can have more than 1 job, like a secondary and primary job in this(Or role). The team will also come up with ideas and features that will be added to the game(And the players in the forums!). The team will try to be consisted of atleast, 3 pixel artists(Counting me), 2 programmers(counting me), 1 graphics artist, and 1 forum manager.

I will create the hub for the game once I get the team, but before we will come up with a name and such through chatting. I will post all members who get added on here as soon as I find out they are accepted.

You can contact me at my pager, here, on any forums I post this on, or at my msn/AIM(Prefered): [email protected] .
Just putting this out there: The Pokemon games came before the anime. In reality, the anime is extremely unfaithful to the source material, in multiple aspects, not just the battles.
I said realistic, not anime, cause i'm sure the turn-based was designed like it would be for real battle(Such as dodging that happens automaticly). So it was made turn-based because they couldn't make it real time. And its how I see it for now.
i'd like to do the Graphics & Providing The Server O.o
Okay, give me a couple of examples of you graphics first.
Bakasensei wrote:
Okay, give me a couple of examples of you graphics first.

There's some in BYOND Anime Post : forum?id=19861&view=1
Your good, but I hate your style ^^, i'll see if you can do them once we start
You hate my style O.o?

tell me what you hate btw thats one of the many styles...
Just the fuzzy-ness of it, and how much you just use brushes, idk, it could easily be fixed.