Me and Tubutas, have been working on my CSS for quite awhile now(Like 1 or 2 days), since I know nothing in CSS, and idk how much he knows, it took us a lil while. He made an original css that looked pretty cool(But I wanted to change it). And I was making a new avatar when I made it like how it is, and thought I should design the css like that, so I changed the backgrounds and colors and such and now see for yourselves! I think it looks awesome.

And other news for fans of me(Who aren't registered as my fans you haters![Fizz is my number 1 fan, I seen his T-Shirt]). Yes, stop messaging me about it, I stopped working on NKM and AVS, and quit all my side projects that I was maybe thinking about making. I didn't quit BYOND. I am still and right now only working for SuperAntX on his shooter as a pixel artist(The game is looking great!) .
Beatles. Cool.
K'ros Trikare wrote:
Beatles. Cool.

Yup, best band there is!
Blue/purple text on a red background is horrible, just horrible.
It looks good >.>
Its actually really hard to read. I just like the Beatles.
I have to agree about the purple text on the red background being hard to read. I don't think the contrast is high enough.

The comments look pretty though. =)

K fixed it up
Hmm, red and black is a little better but can hurt people's eyes after staring at it for a while. Why not try light gray text?
Its actually VERY dark blue... idk, I don't like the light gray...
It's Tubutas and I.
Nice layout. You can color the top bar to match the rest of it. You can find out how if you look at the css source for my members side.
The top bar i feel doesn't need to be altered. if a games hub icon is all green then i wouldn't be able to see it on your page.
Uhh, no. The action guild has a sexier CSS. :D
Your just jealous >.>
Tubutas wrote:
The top bar i feel doesn't need to be altered. if a games hub icon is all green then i wouldn't be able to see it on your page.

My page is teal, not green.

If a hub icon was all white then you wouldn't see it on the default top bar either.