All right, I decided I should move to the more 'important' things in Deadly Waters, such as a full ranking, rating, and experience system and new modes so that the game does not get boring and repetitive.
I'm pretty sure I can code the experience, ranking, and rating system, but i'm not sure what it should be like in-game. I was thinking about having the rating(specialty) as something that distinguishes you from other people and shows what your character is supposed to be good at doing, but that doesn't make much sense to me anymore. If your specialty is doctor, but you choose to be an engine technician, that doesn't make much sense. This would allow people to try out the different jobs, but makes choosing your specialty pretty pointless.
On the other hand, I got a new idea. To make your specialty more of a class. Instead of allowing you to pick any job, you can only pick jobs related to your specialty. Although, this would most likely make some specialties only have one job to pick, so it wouldn't allow people to see what job they like.
Another idea I got was kind of innovative, but would require a revamp of a few of Deadly Water's systems. This idea was to basically take out jobs, and have your specialty be your job. I think this is too-open ended, and would give newbies no guidance. However, I think it would be the most realistic of all of them, because it would allow for higher ranked people to be in control and allow you to roleplay out your specialty. So I come back to the idea of having your specialty choose or narrow down your choice of jobs.
Any thoughts, comments?
![]() Oct 13 2005, 6:52 am