Keywords: faith, naruto, ninja
Naruto Ninja Faith is back in action in development. Updates are streaming by as the staff prepares icons for future patches to the game. I am currently on the look for some serious iconners who want to turn this game around. Naruto Ninja Faith is a rip, but so heavily edited in coding it's almost impossible to view the comparison to its original coding. From basics, to advance training, and more originality entering the game, Naruto Ninja Faith is changing into not a game where you press macros, but into a game where you adventure. It has all the statistics needed including: Strength, Defence, Speed and Intelligence.

If you'd like to ask any questions comment here or view the forums:

Thank you,

Hello Colton. My name is Tomasu Takeo and i really wanna have a talk with you. I'm very interested in your game NNF and i wanna do something to make the game better. I'm an iconner with alot of experiance. Please add me on your msn or simply send me an email on [email protected]

- Ps. I'll do anything for that game. That's one of the best naruto games i've played so far and it aint even finised. Please contact me.
Hi Colton , my na,e is Joel your already know me can you go on msn ?
WHY DOSENT NINJA FAITH WORK COME ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >(
Hello i would like to icon for your game im cubanbling i am a former iconer of Naruto Evolution for EG i worked with Miguel and Manny and up until now i considered myself one of the best pixel artists in byond. Since EG is currently unactive i would to do some iconning for you i think that we can really turn this game into something out of this world. Plz Contact me at [email protected] or yahoo or my byond account ty :) If you need proof of my work or samples ill be happy to work for you
Go NNF \m/,