Data, no one likes you because you're a dick, not because you have a condition. You're too cocky about how you think your version is better when, if it's rejected so often, it sucks. That or everyone hates you too much to trust you enough to try it.
My version is great. Proof? The fact that back when it was hosted everybody joined that in favor of any other version, because at least I didn't cock up in design like most of you did. The only thing at least decently designed is the power system, but beyond that it's just child's play.
I said I was leaving the community. The game is okay, and if the situation improves or somebody else pops up with a better version I may go play that.
In fact, I have a much better promise I should make: that from this point on I will ignore any goon I know of that wants to speak to me, as you guys have shown to be assholes yourselves so far. Not just assholes, but the most elitist ever -- just because you paid $10 to sign up for the forums does not mean you are any better than any of us, least of all the creator of the game. Just be glad that the SS13.NET staff has their heads so stuck up their own arses that they now lack the ability to sever ties with you lot.