This summer has been pretty busy for me, with tons of work to do at home and at my job it seems like the summer is going by too fast.

DBO II Updates
Well, at this point the game has been up for a while and the team has been doing a lot of testing. We have some really good people on the team I think, and it's been fun working with everyone. Most of all, we've been doing good on the team meetings lately and making sure everyone is caught up on what's next to come. We've also completed the outline for the Earth map, which is a good thing. It's been bugging me that we've been using test maps up until now, so finally we're working with official maps in the game. This month will be a busy fix/testing month for DBO II.

Work Updates
My boss loves my work so much that he decided to give me a raise, which can only make me more productive right? Heh, work is fun as always, and being in charge makes work worth it even more. I have been working over 40+ hours though, but there's so much that I need to get done before the end of the summer. In October I'll be heading to Chicago for a conference my job offered to pay for, and if I'm lucky I'll be going to Tokyo for a conference! I wouldn't mind going there.

My mess of a work desk (Click to enlarge)
Sleepless hours went into that map! lol

Like i said before, your job by the look at that picture would drive me totally insane o_o (good taste in music though) =P
Haha So how many times have you slept under the desk?
Chris, you've done an awesome job man!
lol well working and the meetings have kept me up till about 4am average >_< so now i cant even sleep at night because my body is in a routine now haha

(yeh its 2:34am atm)

Worth it in the end though lol