Ok, I got the basic concepts and design of the game jotted down and partially implemented.

Concepts and Designs
Which anime are you from?

* Memory System (Collect various memories from your favorite characters. This will influence your overall universal preference.)
* Character Code System (No longer will you need to constantly be creating new characters by different keys. Through this system you can also trade and swap different characters you have created.)
* Combo System (You can attack with various combo hand to hand attacks or combo skills + hand to hand attacks.)
* Attack & Support System (Through the course of the game you will gain different attacks and skills. The skills and attacks you gain and can use will vary upon your universal preference.)
* Ultimate System (These are apart from your attacks and supports. These are direct hits and unavoidable by your opponent(s))
* Friend & Enemy System (This will be done in an entirely different manner than most games. You can perform combo attacks with your friends or even more devastating ones with your enemies...if they take your side that is. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer!)

Universal Preference - This shows which anime you are currently portraying you are from. At any point in the game you can make your universal preference permanent. NOTE: After permanent takes place, you can not change your preference.

These are the basic concepts and designs as of this moment. More will be added after overall implementation. Comments welcome and appreciated.
One thing I'd like to mention that I don't quite agree with...(don't necessarily disagree just hear me out)

with the Character code system, people may be able to use the same character one different accounts making it so that one player who spent a good bit of time training can give a noob friend the code and they both get the same things, kinda not good.

Now if we were to implement it to where the code is key usable only, then we wont have to worry about things such as save transfers across servers, either way its entirely up to you, just offering my opinion on the idea.
Yes I agree with that one.
I actually thought about that. The character will always belong to the key its created on unless they traded it off fairly, then it will belong to that new person.
Charecter Trading sounds kool.
SuperAntx wrote: KataharoTayoko?command=view_post&post=38730 KataharoTayoko?command=view_post&post=38911

This is a bit different from yours but either way both are going to be 100% original in there own ways albeit similar
SuperAntx: I have actually gone through with this project at one point. It was called AnimeBrawlz for those of you that remember it. Though I didn't quite make it the way I wanted, which is why I am making this project. To do it exactly the way I wanted to.
Oh ho ho ho, Can't wait.