Keywords: energy, gas, policy, politics
Another reminder why partisanship can be counterproductive:

If Democrats still refuse to increase U.S. supplies of oil and gas, Republicans for years have refused any measure to decrease demand -- by taxing gasoline to encourage conservation, raising auto fuel-efficiency standards or investing in non-petroleum alternatives.

Just suppose, when gasoline cost $1.71 a gallon -- as it did in 2001, when President Bush came to office -- that the federal government had increased gasoline taxes by $1 or $2 and used the money to build infrastructure and invest in alternative-energy research, rebating some to poor people.

(as a note, I don't actually subscribe to RCP's characterization of the Dem/GOP stance in the first paragraph; it's more complex than that. The inertia of the partisanship is what I agree with.) whos_to_blame_for_4_gas_both_d.html
Global Warming is a hoax made by companies who want you to buy their new expensive "green" vehicles. The oil companies have been paid off to gradually increase the cost of oil, forcing everyone to make the switch.
SuperAntx wrote:
Global Warming is a hoax made by companies who want you to buy their new expensive "green" vehicles. The oil companies have been paid off to gradually increase the cost of oil, forcing everyone to make the switch.

With all the profit they're making, I'll bet they were willing to do it for free.
I blame George Lucas and Star Wars.
SuperAntx wrote:
Global Warming is a hoax made by companies who want you to buy their new expensive "green" vehicles. The oil companies have been paid off to gradually increase the cost of oil, forcing everyone to make the switch.

AnNoYaNcE.FaCtOr wrote:

Xooxer is really short for Xenophobic Observational Omniscience Xylem Entrepreneurial Raptor. He's a plant monster made by the government whose sole purpose in life is to stir up trouble on forums.