Keywords: anything
Anything to do with anything!
Are ads for games the kind of spam that you want?

Play PathWrath 2, a card-battling boardgame, or Occupied Forces, a territorial dispute boardgame. Customize either game with simple XML.

Play or host for free. Subscribe to either for balanced benefits. Subscribe to both and get more benefits in each.
ACWraith wrote:
Are ads for games the kind of spam that you want?

Play PathWrath 2, a card-battling boardgame, or Occupied Forces, a territorial dispute boardgame. Customize either game with simple XML.

Play or host for free. Subscribe to either for balanced benefits. Subscribe to both and get more benefits in each.

I am AnNoYaNcE.FaCtOr and I support these games.
What about Solar Conquest? Its kind of neat. No subscriptions required.
tell pyro or yash to unban me plz
You got obliterated because Buster is a faggot.
You kicked my arse! >.>