* Gameplay - 2 *
Of course, I coded it a long time ago, but it wasn't even worth trying on. Considering the owner was a dick to me and several others, and left along with banning everyone. I basically just gave up on it. There's not much coding and there hasn't been any change since I've quit. I wouldn't expect to see too much improvement anytime soon.
* Presentation - 3 *
The mapping is horrible, and there's not much icons to show for it. It really make the game look bad.
* Originality - 1 *
I'd give it a 10 for being a original piece of crap. But I'll give it a 1 for being the fail it is today.
* Community - 1 *
Before I was banned for, "stealing the staff" to help me work on a better game. I continuously got summoned and killed by admins. As well as some of them were highly inappropriate and perverted. It's not a very healthy community. I'd recommend staying far away from this one.
* Wrap-Up *
It's not worth playing. I wouldn't even bother to take notice to it's hub. It puts shame to the actual anime/manga. :(
![]() Jun 30 2008, 7:22 pm
Sounds like a grudge review to me.
This is a Grudge review. Killer22 hates me because a while back i was makin this game and gotten pretty far then he started makin his own InuYasha game and talked my staff to go with him. thus got me ticked. and lata on i lost my hardrive so i had to start over thus YOU CODED NOTHIN IN THIS VERSION absolutely nothin besides only thing u did code was quest which i dont have anymore and u stole that from InuYasha's revenge 3 thus today i seen him on my game and still despised him for doin that to me a while back and banned him. this is a grudge review. nothin more just someone that wants to get back at me
BTW killer22 i would give u a proper review no matter how much i hate u think about that Although im not gonna remove the reviews or anything (dont know how even so i still wouldnt) just to show people how low u realy are.. |
Foomer wrote:
People in this community don't know how to write proper reviews. Alright; My review was not this negative. |
Rugg wrote:
Foomer wrote: well rugg i can see imma get a bad review from u also -_- although game is in alpha. but hey make sure u ad in points to get improvement |
Well of course the review is going to be negative. There's nothing to like about it. Someone point out to me 1 good thing about the game.
Devil Productions wrote:
This is a Grudge review. Killer22 hates me because a while back i was makin this game and gotten pretty far then he started makin his own InuYasha game and talked my staff to go with him. thus got me ticked. and lata on i lost my hardrive so i had to start over thus YOU CODED NOTHIN IN THIS VERSION absolutely nothin besides only thing u did code was quest which i dont have anymore and u stole that from InuYasha's revenge 3 thus today i seen him on my game and still despised him for doin that to me a while back and banned him. this is a grudge review. nothin more just someone that wants to get back at me By the way, I remember exactly what happened last year. You got pissed because of something with you and Ashley. So then you said,"Alright fine, I quit. Killer22 you own the game now." And then you banned everyone that was playing on your server. And so I just said fuck it and brought back an old Inuyasha game I had and got a whining a pissy. And really dude, I don't care anymore. Also, I'm not the only one that remembers what happened, I was talking about it yesterday with Lupe as well: Yachiru-Kusajishi Aka Candie Addict... says: dustin did you get banned? Wonderful says: Yes. Wonderful says: He banned me for "stealing his staff" Wonderful says: Remmeber when Devil banned everyone on server and told me that I own the game? Wonderful says: Yeah... Yachiru-Kusajishi Aka Candie Addict... says: oh yea Yachiru-Kusajishi Aka Candie Addict... says: that i remember that clearly Nuff said. |
Killer22 wrote:
Well of course the review is going to be negative. There's nothing to like about it. Someone point out to me 1 good thing about the game. Now you see, in a normal, healthy community, people focus on reviewing the stuff they liked so that they can let others know that it was good and its worth checking out. Stuff that's crap and should be avoided is... ignored. Its not worth the time of writing a review for it. A review like this is written out of spite or malice, not for the benefit of the readers. |
Foomer wrote:
Killer22 wrote: If just because a game is crappy you don't write a review for it then who will? Thing of movies, and games... ect. People review them, crappy or not. Just most people don't advertise if their movie was voted, "Most Crap" ;p |
This is BYOND though, you do not have to review every single game. We lack good games as it is which is why when you come across a good game you should give it a review. We hardly need any negative reviews over games we probably already know suck.
And as Foomer and others have said, you didn't review this for us but to get back at the developer. |
Wether or not my game is crap its still in Alpha. and what u said about me givin u my game.. never happen. and lupe i know for a fact when u joined the game she asked me to change her name and all because she didn want u to notice her.. INEB is mine i do with it as i please and realy my game gotten more people then urs so this is just a rivalry if u wanna show me
something put ur old game up and compete aginst me. not do the lowest thing in the book and write a negative review of my Alpha Testng game o.o seriously Alpha Testing and it gotten reviewed.. although to be honest i gotten better scores then NBOTLS got on its review... and also wether or not i gave u game or not.. u didnt do crap to this version of the game. u didnt code anything so keep that peice of crap version of my game if u want this INEB is goin up... but once again waisting ur time writing a review on an Alpha testing Game.. OF COURSE ITS NOT GONNA BE GOOD ITS ALPHA also.. my staff may be unorganized atm.. but i asure u descipline will be brought in. |
Devil Productions wrote:
Wether or not my game is crap its still in Alpha. and what u said about me givin u my game.. never happen. and lupe i know for a fact when u joined the game she asked me to change her name and all because she didn want u to notice her.. INEB is mine i do with it as i please and realy my game gotten more people then urs so this is just a rivalry if u wanna show me Inuyasha is a dead anime. It was canceled years ago and I don't really have time to follow the manga. Not to mention I had already lost my Inuyasha source codes. I had about 20 players a day but It won't be comming back because I don't want to have to recode all of it again. Not to mention Ayane and I are bringing back her Inuyasha game and I have to goto work everyday. So I'm to busy having a life and such to be competing with you. Not to mention, I've already started a Pokemon game to compete with Pokemon RP. I'd love to have continued competing with you if I still had my source codes but saddly I do not. So good luck in your game. It's unworthy of my time. |
This review is so inaccurate. What about origonality? Its Inuyasha, theres very few of them on Byond. And its not one of those rips like most games, including your Inuyasha game you ripped from me. I seen Naruto rips with better origonal ratings then this, your just biased because you do not like him.
Also, as he says, its in Alpha. That means it is still testing, so the gameplay obviously won't be to good, but your rating is unsufficant for reasonings, because it do have origonality in the work. Also, the presentation is eqauly good, the map is origonal, not like all the dbz/naruto map rips. For the community... Well >_> I can't say much there... |
Thank you torla and and yes Killer u have nothin to say about origianlity bcause urs is a rip off of Torla's as he said. my commuity on the other hand is remotely nice and fun although at time to time we may get someone that wants to be a ***** but hey u get that everywhere...
Really? Have you watched the show? This is just like the shows language, yet online and unfinished. I'd LOVE to see you do better, I'm amazed he got the inuyasha and kagome icons =)
Torla2217 wrote:
This review is so inaccurate. What about origonality? Its Inuyasha, theres very few of them on Byond. And its not one of those rips like most games, including your Inuyasha game you ripped from me. I seen Naruto rips with better origonal ratings then this, your just biased because you do not like him. It's my opinion and I stick by every statement in my review :) |