![]() Jun 23 2008, 5:10 pm
You yourself said the government was hiding contact with aliens, Xooxer. What's to say they didn't employ the aliens to do this, or to say they only reached contact after they found them doing this? How do we know they didn't use a cloaking device and plant a bomb within the internal structure?
Xooxer wrote:
Common sense. This building wasn't hit by a plane. Aliens don't blow up our structures. Steel buildings on fire don't fall down. They certainly don't fail perfectly. That can only be done by intelligent control. You forgot a key detail though. The building wasn't just standing there. It took heavy damage when the Twin Towers collapsed but didn't fall over. Just because it was standing does not make it structurally sound. Go here and read through it. The explanation is foolproof, and if you beg to differ on this one, your opinion ceases to be an opinion and becomes just rambling: http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/military_law/ 1227842.html?page=5#wtc7 I hate to seem insulting, but you continue to bring this [dung] up. Just look at the evidence: every single "hole" you find in the official story has an explanation. |
That article, as I have pointed out in previous discusions, is not scientific. It sets up straw man arguments it can easily knock down, distorts facts and makes no bother to explain anything than to say NIST already explained it, which they did not.
I don't hate to seem insulting, so you can take your little mind and go chew some more grass. |
Xooxer wrote:
Because those ideas are insane. But belief that the government willingly did this and has made contact with aliens isn't? |
I'm sorry but that video doesn t prove a thing. And you say heat and fire can't burn down steel structures. Any fuel can ignite a fire and not only cause it to spread, but will melt steel. How was that steel made anyways? Oh right, in a steel mill where liquified steel (steel melted by heat and fire) are molded and then cooled to make the bars and supports for steel structures. That steel may not have melted, but surely was weakened by the fire and the weight of the structure itself may have brought down.
AnNoYaNcE.FaCtOr wrote:
Xooxer wrote: Nope. |
Kinryuten wrote:
I'm sorry but that video doesn t prove a thing. You're wrong. That video proves many things. And you say heat and fire can't burn down steel structures. In all the history of all the world no steel structured high-rise has ever collapsed due to fire damage. None. Ever. Any fuel can ignite a fire Nope, igniters ignite fuel. Fuel requires ignition. Pointless. and not only cause it to spread, Duh? but will melt steel. Above 1,800 degrees. How was that steel made anyways? With very intense furnaces that melted ores and other materials to create steel. We're talking thousands of degrees hotter than the WTC buildings supposedly got. Oh right, in a steel mill where liquified steel (steel melted by heat and fire) are molded and then cooled to make the bars and supports for steel structures. Before replying, make sure you know what you're talking about. That steel may not have melted, but surely was weakened by the fire and the weight of the structure itself may have brought down. Wrong. Anyone else want to be wrong today? Step right up! |
Xooxer, you have got to calm down. Perhaps 9/11 was an inside job... okay, start with that as your premise. Now dissect your nine second video and think about this: is your assertion that this video proves WTC7 was a controlled demolition infallible?
No one blames you for your suspicion; the known actions of the Bush Administration is about as close to purposefully evil as I've ever known... however, you still CANNOT make the assertion that 9/11 was an inside job; and that nine second video is far from conclusive. |
I will certainly not calm down. I also won't start with any premise. When I began these posts, I started with questions. Those questions eventually led me to answers. Not all of them were correct, and many of them are partial, but together, they put the case forward in a way that's very hard to argue. As far as I'm concerned, there is no question as to what happened. The only question now is when will enough people wake up, or will it be too late to do anything. Is it already too late?
That video says more than the Bush administration ever has about 9/11. That video speaks volumes. And it's not the only evidence, just some of the easiest to show. Buildings... no. I'm tired of repeating myself. If you all want to believe in magical buildings and magical bullets, I pity you not. |
And yeah, Hazman. I deleted your posts. Like I said, if you don't want your nonsense removed, don't post it. Your post asks for evidence? LOOK AT THE FRIGGEN VIDEO! Your link to some stupid "alien attack" is what prompted me to remove it. I won't have this conversation be derailed. This is not your personal attack platform, and I will not support posts that don't put forward intelligent thought. I haven't banned anyone from posting here, but I'll do so if you continue to post garbage. I'm looking at you, Rugg.
Xooxer wrote:
I will certainly not calm down. I also won't start with any premise.Xooxer, if your intent is to convince people, you must start with a premise to prove. Otherwise, you're engaging in the same "truthy" behavior of the neo-cons you so intensely despise. When I began these posts, I started with questions. Those questions eventually led me to answers. Not all of them were correct, and many of them are partial, but together, they put the case forward in a way that's very hard to argue. Then the onus is on you to show us the logic train that leads us to concluding that the nine second video you reference is the keystone. Put it together for us; because I just don't see it. As far as I'm concerned, there is no question as to what happened. Then please, create the very clear path that you travelled that lead you to this conclusion. Your clarity has not been effectively communicated to the BYOND community. The only question now is when will enough people wake up, or will it be too late to do anything. Is it already too late? It is your fault for being a poor communicator. That video says more than the Bush administration ever has about 9/11. That video speaks volumes. And it's not the only evidence, just some of the easiest to show. You know this is a tangent. Bush being either incompetant or evil is one thing, but the video does nothing to show that. Buildings... no. I'm tired of repeating myself. If you all want to believe in magical buildings and magical bullets, I pity you not. Then stop repeating yourself and start using logic in your arguments. Otherwise, you're nothing but a 9/11 truther. |
Oh, now being a "truther" is a bad thing? Asking questions is a bad thing? Since when? When did it become unpatriotic to demand an investigation? Oh, right. When G.W.Bush told you not to tolerate "outrageous conspiracy theories". Guess what the official story is? Yep, an outrageous conspiracy theory. Without a full investigation, this is what you get. Don't like it? Talk to The Man.
The onus is on them to prove it wasn't controlled demolition, because that video in a court of law would prove it was. Undeniably. The fact that they have refused to provide any answers indicates their lack of integrity. The fact that the money trail points right back at the top is pretty much a solid case in itself. My intent is to insult you, to anger you and to make you think. I will never convince you. I realize that. The best I can hope for is making you so furious you either explode from rage and take out a few people, or you get mad enough to prove me wrong, which in turn will force you to address this issue fully, instead of relying on sound bites from Faux News and G.W. Bush to tell you what to think. |
In all the history of all the world no steel structured high-rise has ever collapsed due to fire damage. None. Ever. Not too many steel structured high-rise buildings have had a jumbo jet fly into them, either. I can think of two. Both of them collapsed afterwards. Coincidence? I think not! Jet fuel is pretty high octane. It burns fast, it burns hot. I'm also pretty sure that the supposed mechanism for collapse wasn't melting the supports, it was distorting them enough (by expansion due to heat) that they weren't actually supporting the floor any more. So the floor collapsed, and smashed into the floor below, and bada-bing, bada-boom, you've got yourself something that looks a lot like controlled demolition. and is the key defining moment of this millennium That'd be more impressive if this millenium was more than seven years old. EDIT: Looking into this a bit more, I've just realised you were talking about the building that wasn't hit by a plane. My comments above aren't particularly relevant to that. Ah well. I will note that having bits of a steel-structured high-rise building fall on top of you from a great height is also probably not great for structural integrity, and argument from ignorance is a fallacy for a reason. |
Jp wrote:
Not too many steel structured high-rise buildings have had a jumbo jet fly into them, either. I can think of two. Both of them collapsed afterwards. Coincidence? I think not! Planes fly into buildings. One hit the Empire State Building. None ever fell. The WTC towers didn't fall. They took the impacts and stabilized, just as they were designed to do. They were built to take a jetliner impact, and they performed beautifully in that respect. Jet fuel is pretty high octane. It burns fast, it burns hot. In about 10 seconds, actually. After that, it's just office furniture and supplies burning. The fuel was spent so fast it had no impact on the steel at all. None. I'm also pretty sure that the supposed mechanism for collapse wasn't melting the supports, it was distorting them enough (by expansion due to heat) that they weren't actually supporting the floor any more. Which is a lie. The tests NIST did proved it couldn't have happened that way. These towers were too strong, too redundant and too reliant to be brought down by flames. The rate of collapse is a physical impossibility with the known laws of physics without extra energy. So the floor collapsed, and smashed into the floor below, and bada-bing, bada-boom, you've got yourself something that looks a lot like controlled demolition. Wrong! Boy, people sure do love being wrong. You're talking about the pancake collapse. That's already been abandoned by the official story. Even your Owners aren't stupid enough to think that's plausible. lol That'd be more impressive if this millenium was more than seven years old. Considering the massive amount of damage that's been done since, I don't think it is. The impact of this event will ripple through this millennium like a bell. Global warming? Ha! Small potatoes. The economy? Who cares? It's all about 9/11. EDIT: Looking into this a bit more, I've just realised you were talking about the building that wasn't hit by a plane. My comments above aren't particularly relevant to that. Ah well. Well, maybe there is some intelligent life out there after all.... I will note that having bits of a steel-structured high-rise building fall on top of you from a great height is also probably not great for structural integrity, and argument from ignorance is a fallacy for a reason. You miss the point. A building does not fall into itself at freefall speeds perfectly symetrically because one odd support gave way. At best, it topples to one side, or partially collapses. This is not what we see. We clearly see the whole building just sink into it's own foundation. If I had posted this video as some random demolition and tried to convince you it was done with fire, you'd also call me crazy. Only because it's a 9/11 building do you question your own eyes. |
Xooxer wrote:
Oh, now being a "truther" is a bad thing? You despise neo-cons. They pushed an Iraq agenda that was "in their gut." So, yes, being a truther is a horrible thing. Asking questions is a bad thing? Since when? We are all asking YOU questions. And you are not answering them. When did it become unpatriotic to demand an investigation? No one has said that. Oh, right. When G.W.Bush told you not to tolerate "outrageous conspiracy theories". Read my blog and every statement I've ever made. This is not true. Guess what the official story is? Yep, an outrageous conspiracy theory. Without a full investigation, this is what you get. Don't like it? Talk to The Man. That's fine, more investigation is a good thing. But that is not what you were supposing. You offered a nine second video as keystone evidence that 9/11 was an inside job. The onus is on them to prove it wasn't controlled demolition It is not. It (kinda) is the responsibility of the government to investigate how WTC7 fell down. What you are supposing is equivalent to "disproving the existance of Santa Claus." because that video in a court of law would prove it was. Undeniably. You have offered zero reason why it would be. Your supposition is fallible. The fact that they have refused to provide any answers indicates their lack of integrity. The fact that the money trail points right back at the top is pretty much a solid case in itself. I appreciate this sentence. Can you please provide reference to this money trail? My intent is to insult you, to anger you and to make you think. I will never convince you. I realize that. I'm not angry at you; I'm more curious as to why you have come to such a conclusion without providing a logic train or references. I suppose its the inquisitive agnostic in me that wonders why folks have such fervent irrational beliefs in God. The best I can hope for is making you so furious you either explode from rage and take out a few people, or you get mad enough to prove me wrong, which in turn will force you to address this issue fully, instead of relying on sound bites from Faux News and G.W. Bush to tell you what to think. Given that I don't watch Fox News nor really listen to GWB for any part of my life, try to restate your last paragraph and make it more relevant. |
I had a huge reply for this, but hit a wrong button and lost it. Just google 'put options' to start down the money trail.
Xooxer wrote:
I had a huge reply for this, but hit a wrong button and lost it. Just google 'put options' to start down the money trail. You mean this? http://www.snopes.com/rumors/putcall.asp |
No, I mean the truth. Oh, the 9/11 Report said it was all false rumors or people trading normally, but what Snopes doesn't say is that the report gave no evidence for this conclusion, only the conclusion itself. If these trades had no suspicious roots, then why not prove it?
Xooxer wrote:
No, I mean the truth. Oh, the 9/11 Report said it was all false rumors or people trading normally, but what Snopes doesn't say is that the report gave no evidence for this conclusion, only the conclusion itself. If these trades had no suspicious roots, then why not prove it? I cannot corroborate your claim. Please provide references. |