![]() Jun 23 2008, 12:53 pm
This is one of the hardest pieces of evidence against the official story to date. This clearly shows a controlled demolition. No other theory fits the observation. Fire does not do this, and the only report to indicate fire as a cause of collapse stated that it had a very low probability of being the cause. The official report from NIST did not explain the collapse, and no real investigation has been conducted to discover the true cause. Since this building was obviously destroyed intentionally from within, we must assume the others were as well. Police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel and even the mainstream media all predicted this collapse well before it happened. Considering there has never been any structure of this nature collapsing due to fire, their predictions can only indicate prior knowledge, and some level of involvement with the conspiracy. Whether that involvement was conscious or not makes no difference, fore-knowledge of the event means only one thing: an inside job. It's blatantly clear now that 9/11 was perpetrated by us. It's the basis for all policies and wars since, and is the key defining moment of this millennium. If you continue to ignore the evidence, to remain complacent in your ignorance and denial of the facts, you are enabling the terrorists who attacked us and, as far as I am concerned, are a traitor to this nation and everything it stands for and should be put to death for your crimes against humanity. So, do the right thing. Call your representatives, protest. Research and do the math. The government's story is a pack of lies, and anyone with half a brain cell can see this for themselves. There is no excuse. You are the bane of the future of mankind, and this moment in history is your epic folly. The crime has been committed by your owners, and your complacent attitude enables them to continue to unfurl injustice and violence on the world. Stop the genocide of innocent civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. Stop the torture we're inflicting on innocent people, prisoners of war, and anyone Bush declares an enemy combatant. Stop the slow and steady decline of the nation and it's economy by bloodthirsty corporate robber barons, and for the love of all that's just and good, stop the neo-con agenda that's hurtling us towards world war and totalitarian global rule. You have the duty to make things right. It's up to everyone to demand the truth for once. Demand an impartial, independent and thorough investigation before this criminal fascist regime strikes again. The life you save may be your own. |
Nope, you're wrong. This is clearly a controlled demolition. Some tanker exploding isn't going to do this. Fire doesn't do this. Only controlled demolition can do this. There is no other answer. Anyone who says otherwise is either an idiot or complicit.
So they went through all the trouble of covering all their tracks, but they just happen to forget one thing, making it look real. What an oversight that was. Man, you'd think they could have made it a little messier, or someone in the millions who seem to be in on the job would have said "Man, this will look too clean, it will be suspicious". Good thing they didn't, it makes your side easier to argue.
Quick question, how many buildings have you seen fall that weren't caused by a controlled explosion? Few, would be my guess. Kinda makes it hard to tell the difference when you have nothing to compare it on. |
This isn't a debate. I've seen tons of controlled demolitions. This is one. Your owners have such contempt and think us so gullible that they can be this blatant. You continue to prove them right.
I'm going to disagree, we just happened to find a few muslims to run a plane into a building then blow it up from the lower levels all so we can? Wait, that's right we don't seem to get anything out of this then a bunch of dead US citizens.
You're wrong. The people responsible are benefiting handsomely from everything that's followed this event. You're getting screwed, though, you're right.
Xooxer wrote:
I've seen tons of controlled demolitions. That wasn't the question. |
The question is irrelevant though. How many apples do you need to see to know the orange in my hand is an orange? None. But, like I said, this isn't a debate.
This 47 story tall building collapsed straight down into it's own footprint in less than 10 seconds. That's the very essence of controlled demolition. |
You still haven't answered the question. How many building have you seen before that for sure have been hit by a plane? How do you know, with 100% certainty, that that isn't what happens?
I don't need to answer it. It's not relevant or even logical, and is a poor attempt at attacking the poster and not the post. It's one step above name-calling and throwing a stuff, and is beneath me.
Xooxer said:
If you continue to ignore the evidence, to remain complacent in your ignorance and denial of the facts, you are enabling the terrorists who attacked us and, as far as I am concerned, are a traitor to this nation and everything it stands for and should be put to death for your crimes against humanity. So, if we don't agree with your interpretation of the 'facts', we should be put to death. Wow. That sounds kind of familiar. I'm all for your right to keep pressing this issue, but at the moment, you sound no better than the people you're railing against. You've pretty much lost me with that... not that that probably bothers you much. |
Nope. Fear and shock seems to be all people respond to these days. Might as well put it to good use.
Hazman wrote:
Don't bother, Flick, your post will probably disappear any second now. If he takes a weak insult and tries to turn it into an argument, yes it will. |
I'm sorry, I wasn't aware you were insulted by being asked if you actually have knowledge of what you're claiming is true. I'm frankly insulted by your 'disappearing' my post without mention, for no other reason than you disagree with it.
You have posted this information, you have claimed it's true, if you aren't prepared to back up your claims, or make claims you can back up, or worse still, if you supress arguments against them, then you're as bad as any conspiracy you oppose. |
If you don't wish to have your ignorance removed, don't post it. I won't answer a question that doesn't have anything to do with the topic at hand.
The proof is right there. Look at it. It's blatant. It's obvious. It's insanity to claim it's anything but a controlled demolition. There is no other explanation, not even from your Owners. They don't think they owe you any, and unless you demand it, you'll never get it. |
Your arguments sound a lot like Gene Ray's, actually.
Obvious. You said it again. It's obvious. It's only obvious if you assume that that isn't what happens if a plane hits a building. Once again, I ask you: How many buildings, in the past, have you seen destroyed by plane collision? And how many by uncontrolled collapse? And how many by controlled demolition?
How many buildings destroyed by planes do you have to see to know the building possibly destroyed by controlled demolition, possible destroyed by plane collision, possibly destroyed by aliens from mars using a kinetic energy weapon, was destroyed by controlled demolition and definately not by any of the others? |
In fact, there is a perfect explanation for how it looks. I can't recall the entire thing word for word (I remember watching a special on the history channel), but a fire in the lower levels of the building reached one of the fuel storages, causing an explosion. Note how you don't see the bottom of this building at all during the video.