Keywords: comedy, georgecarlin
If I had to peg any comedian as my favorite, it would be George Carlin. He was a very smart guy, and always kept his act fresh. Through his comedy you could see him grow and age, and the content of his comedy changed with him.

He is a giant in the comedy world, one with will be sorely missed.

George Carlin was a strong atheist, so words like "He is in a better place" don't apply, but he did live to a decent age, so we also can't say "He was taken in his prime". In short, all we really can say is "Fair well, Mr. Carlin".
He died a very good, and well known man. And had a decent life. I'm sure he did die happy in morales.

Personally I didn't watch allot of comedy, what I did watch was mostly him and a few others like Don Rickles(I think I spelled the name right for once). Even so he seemed like a great man.
He pushed the envelope of freedom of speech. He was even arrested and, if I'm not mistaken, brought his case all the way to the supreme court. Any cussing comedian owes him a huge debt.
Kevin Smith movies will never be the same without him -- he always added a good balance.
I think you %*^*ing mean "fare well", but at least your !*%^ing heart's in it. =)

"fare: v. to go; turn out; happen (used impersonally)" ( Unabridged, 2008)

(The casual swearing was added as props to the man. The censorship was added as props to BYOND. ;-))
That's why you never put me as spelling czar, should you take over the world.