I hate paying bills. And they all come up right before you decide to go on a holliday.
I have my ambulance membership (a necessity for a trip like this) come up, right now, when I'm so close to heading off. That's $50.00.
A new laptop battery, took me four days to find a battery, in Australia, for the brand and model of my laptop. Acer is very obscure when they discontinue a specific series. Because they remove all information about it from their website (provided you can actually browse their site. I had to use two different browsers to see all the information correctly!) So that's set me back about $160.00.
A laptop charger that can be plugged into the standard cigarette lighter slot inside a vehicle. I'm splitting the cost with my friend because he'll be using it to charge his laptop as well. So there's another $25.00.
Finally: My current slicehost.com server. The last month payment went through so my initial payment when I set the server has a credit balance of $0.00. I'll have to pay off at least four months of that before I take off. So that'll cost me around about $160.00.
Total Bills to be paid tomorrow: $395.00 Give or Take.
Granted, once that's paid, I have nothing more to purchase. But it sucks needing to spend such a large amount on the eve of my departure. (You people in Chatters and Icon Ultima owe me, so bad.)
Aside from the expense, still totally stoked. Remember, if you're in the Australia area and you want an autograph, I'll be charging $25.00. Just tell me where you want to meet you at what time, and I'll see if I can get there. Pictures will cost an additional $5.00.
![]() Jun 22 2008, 3:41 am
![]() Jun 22 2008, 4:21 am
Well hopefully after all your bills are paid your holiday will be priceless.
I'm still gonna give an alcoholic's salute to you once I'm in college(Haven't forgotten yet). Good luck with the bills, they'll only increase :(
I personally owe you (and Mobius) as well, seeing as how you host my website, two wikis, and an assload of random images for me. <_<
Good thing that australian dollars are about as valuable as yen. $395 in australio-vision is about the cost of a single BYOND membership.
Elation wrote:
Good thing that australian dollars are about as valuable as yen. $395 in australio-vision is about the cost of a single BYOND membership. So send him like 5 british pounds and he's set. With your hueg currency. D: |
Our dollar is like, five cents off the US Dollar. I know that's not saying much, but it's still worth quite a few Yen <.<