Okay.. it seems that some people cant read blog dates.
I've been recieving emails like: "Please put on red steel dont delete im begging! I love the game! i always wait for it to come on!I say your site im begging you dont its the most awesome game on byond! please email me back ty" and "How about i take over PRS not take the credit so it keeps all the GM's and every one still gets to go on it and cause every loves
this game cause its a great game so think about it and please reply :):P:D"

I think that these mails are referring to my blogpost I made at the 1st of January.. anyway Its 21st of june now thats more then 6 months ago.

Some announcements that do make sence:
- PRS is on 40% of its update now.
- My birthday was yesterday and it was awesome o-o;
- Holland is gonna win from Russia tonight.
- I have gotten a new guitar.
- Cake
Dear god. It seems some people can't make CSS worth the damn.
AnNoYaNcE.FaCtOr wrote:
Dear god. It seems some people can't make CSS worth the damn.

Keep your unfriendly opinions infront of yourself next time.
Mysterious Dome wrote:
AnNoYaNcE.FaCtOr wrote:
Dear god. It seems some people can't make CSS worth the damn.

Keep your unfriendly opinions infront of yourself next time.

AnNoYaNcE.FaCtOr wrote:
Mysterious Dome wrote:
AnNoYaNcE.FaCtOr wrote:
Dear god. It seems some people can't make CSS worth the damn.

Keep your unfriendly opinions infront of yourself next time.


Get your eyes checked.

Get your eyes checked, red on orange is only possible to see if you look really hard or highlight the text -- it's horrible.
Nadrew wrote:
Get your eyes checked, red on orange is only possible to see if you look really hard or highlight the text -- it's horrible.

This hasnt got anything to do with this blog post, does it?
Mysterious Dome wrote:
This hasnt got anything to do with this blog post, does it?

We'll tell ya once we're able to read what it says. :)

KamiKaziSamuri wrote:
Mysterious Dome wrote:
This hasnt got anything to do with this blog post, does it?

We'll tell ya once we're able to read what it says. :)

I can read it clearly.
Your layout sucks. Don't use similar colors -_-. I think my eyes are bleeding!
My god man, what kind of drug were you on when you made this CSS? It had to've been a depressant, as only someone in a terribly sad mood would make something like this to destroy your eyes.
-Happy belated birthday.
-The CSS is a bit much. ;)
-The cake is a lie.
Yeah, seriously, the green and orange is fine. But seriously, text colour is shocking! Try a yellow for the text colour, or something that distinguishes it from the background colour.

I'm getting a headache just trying to attempt to read it. =/


Bare in mind, you can probably read it clearly because you're probably on a dull CRT monitor with years of use. I dare say the most of us are on very bright LCD monitors where the red is near impossible to read without highlighting it.
Tiberath wrote:
Yeah, seriously, the green and orange is fine. But seriously, text colour is shocking! Try a yellow for the text colour, or something that distinguishes it from the background colour.

I'm getting a headache just trying to attempt to read it. =/


Bare in mind, you can probably read it clearly because you're probably on a dull CRT monitor with years of use. I dare say the most of us are on very bright LCD monitors where the red is near impossible to read without highlighting it.

My current monitor is about three months old. neovo_x19a_1.jpg
Then you have very, very good eyesight. Because I can't read a word without highlighting it.
Please change your color scheme. It makes my eyes hurt.
Keiko-Bunny wrote:
I'm sorry to say, but I have to highlight text to read it too.. *sweatdrop* Make the text this color of red. 990000 I think it might help. xD;

Im not using the blog anyway XD
Keiko-Bunny wrote:
Mysterious Dome wrote:
Keiko-Bunny wrote:
I'm sorry to say, but I have to highlight text to read it too.. *sweatdrop* Make the text this color of red. 990000 I think it might help. xD;

Im not using the blog anyway XD

I'm not using mine either. Yay for wasted blogs.
Yay for eye torturings

Guitar? Like Guitar Hero?
Dome? What is Smash Bros. About? Like Project Brawl or something? I will play As Lucario!! And the smash ball? I Will unleash the Aura!!