My mother and sister came in from the city roughly half an hour ago. They were both fuming, at each other it seemed.
While they were in the city, they picked up a $35 school dress for my youngest sister (on back order for 6 weeks), and one of them left the bag somewhere. It was stolen.
Both insist that it was the other's fault for not watching it.
A minute or two go by and they're both at each other's throats. Spewing vile, hurtful comments like an Olympian event, my sister is yelling about how my mother divorced just to sleep with someone on the internet while my mom is yelling that she never wanted my sister to come to Ireland in the first place.
Is this really what divorce does to people?
The screaming has stopped. I hear nothing over the faint hum of my computer base, with only an occasional sob in the background now.
![]() Oct 8 2005, 4:56 am
I dont fight at all, honestly I am a very civil person, well, off line. :/
Sounds like your mother has some growing up to do and your sister needs a slap. Its none of your sisters buisness what her love life is like, as long as it isnt hurting her children. And getting divored isnt hurting children, but taking them away from the the other parent is. We dont know the whole story so we cant comment on that all can we? |
Sounds like your mother has some growing up to do and your sister needs a slap. Its none of your sisters buisness what her love life is like, as long as it isnt hurting her children. I'd disagree. How does divorce NOT hurt a child? It screws you up inside to know your mum and dad don't love eachother anymore. |
I dont see your point. It as long as your parents love you and take equal parts in your life, I dont see how it mess a child up.
My parents divored at a very early age for me, and I saw both of them very much, and i got lots of love from them. It never bothered me they didnt love each other as long as they loved me, it gave them a common bond. |
Shades... When parents divorce they no longer have sex with each other! Kids are so heart-broken by divorce because they no longer get to hear they parents 69ing in the next room, they only get to hear mommy bang the mail-man!
Wow, that is so many levels of disturbing.
Uh, if it's much of an update, my mom and sister reconciled. I didn't press for details though. |
I've put up with things like this most of my life, and as far as I know, alot of poeple have as well. In fact, if a person hasn't gone through it, they should consider themself lucky.
Just try not to think of it too much, it's not your fault, right?