Poll Info: By this I mean, should it be where you can move the statpanel and everything else around so that way you can design it however you wish? you'd be able to choose which stuff is bigger such as the chat or the who grid.
Version 7 is going to be a brand new BYOND: Martial Arts. Imagine an expansion pack for it. This is it. This is gonna be awesome. I'm working hard on it, and it's going to be amazing. It's gonna take a while to do. And sadly, I've already done so much, I can't fix any bugs in v6 (such as the random attribute train bug). But it's worth the wait. I will update this with what's happening. So leave a comment just saying hi, requesting a style, requesting a feature, or any ideas/suggestions you want in. I will rule nothing out as a possibility. Thank you guys so much!
Poll: Should v7 have where you can move the skin around? (More info in the desc)
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Not to diss the work you've put into this - the rank system, moves list, and upcoming story modes look impressive. It's just that the main foundation of the game right now is "let's sit and wait this one out, guys." I'd prefer more to be developed in the gameplay before anything in the UI, and I believe wholeheartedly that there's something good to work with here.
Edit: Also, I'm a fan of Wing Chun fighting. Any plans to implement this, or is it already implemented?