I get such a flaky connection in my room. I can literally change the signal strength (from 20->30%, hurray) just by moving the mugs on my desk around. And god forbid I should want to incline forward in my chair slightly - I suffer a 25-30% signal loss for that movement.
I empathies, I used to have such a connection, I remember closing the door disconnected me, and turning on the tele weakened my connection by 50% for some reason.
Get a bigger and better wireless router so people can steal your wifi from a two-block radius, instead of that dingy one-block radius... =P

Miran... some phones use the same 2.4 GhZ bandwidth... don't know if yours does.
My wireless got fixed after I bought a new router, modem and phone.
See, this is why I use reliable CAT-5 cables. :) The-Conetenna---a-wi-fi-antenna/

check that out.. could boost your signal, theres also 20 million more "instructables" on there based on wifi signal boosting