Yeah, after the first frame I thought to myself "I've never seen backgrounds done like that on C&H, by the third frame I got what they were doing, and by the time I got to the last frame I had already gotten mad at and forgave C&H for doing this comic.
Yeah, I can't say I thought it was a good idea to take CAD in that direction, but I respect the man for trying to do a little more than the same old crap.

I didn't catch that filename though, I've never thought to check it. Most web comics just have generic 061108xxisdfofas.png filename.
Guess I wasn't in the know because I didn't get it. Now I do sort of I guess..0_0
I laughed so hard at this comic.
Mech: It is making fun of a specific issue of the CAD comment and the associated blog post. It was a very strange turn for what is usually a light hearted comic. I guess it struck the C&H people as funny, but it didn't do it for me. Not that I think that it is a subject that shouldn't be joked about(I read C&H which means there is pretty much no subject that I wont laugh at), but rather that I didn't get why this was supposed to be funny, except for it referenced another comic in a kinda mean way.
Danial.Beta wrote:
Mech: It is making fun of a specific issue of the CAD comment and the associated blog post. It was a very strange turn for what is usually a light hearted comic. I guess it struck the C&H people as funny, but it didn't do it for me. Not that I think that it is a subject that shouldn't be joked about(I read C&H which means there is pretty much no subject that I wont laugh at), but rather that I didn't get why this was supposed to be funny, except for it referenced another comic in a kinda mean way.

It's funny because of the justification Tim used in reference to the miscarriage and everyone else missing it.
I know it sounds a bit silly, but it isn't even slightly odd for a writer to include his life experiences in his work, and he was trying to assure people that the comic wasn't going to be all horrible after this. I still don't see the funny here, beyond the thought of the actor quoting the writer, which in this situation is a little funny because it kills any drama created by the scene, but I highly doubt that is what C&H was going for.
yes, let's all go try to define the word "funny"
I love the C&H wall of text reminiscent of Ctrl-Alt-Del's comics.
Danial.Beta wrote:
it isn't even slightly odd for a writer to include his life experiences in his work

What if that means drawing four panels then writing a massive wall of text explaining them?

I don't think he was pulling from life experiences. I don't think he was trying to take the comic in a new direction either. I think the guy backed himself into a corner with the whole baby thing and rather than going with it he copped out and got rid of the baby so he could go back to crude humor and product endorsement.
I'd like to point out that pretty much everything short of AIDS is better than CAD, making this not a particularly profound statement.
I know Kwanza of C&H in real life.