Nexon, company that rubs Mabinogi and Maplestory in our faces from time to time and rakes in alot of people from doing so, just finished a closed beta for their new FPS.
I played it, I'm convinced, it'll probably be the funnest FPS for a while, as there are no hacks for it yet, it's free, it has amazing graphics while set up for low system requirements, and it's chaotic and neverending fun. The gameplay and graphics resemble Call of Duty 4 in my opinion. There are now dozens of gameplay videos on YouTube.
Here's the official trailer:
Or the youtube version:
Official Gameplay trailer:
Jun 11 2008, 2:33 am
Jun 11 2008, 2:35 am
It in a sense is kinda like the Call of Duty 4 graphics. Although I couldn't tell from all the darkness, and me just waking up. I shall give this a try.