One thing that's fascinated me about quantum theory is the discovery of the observer effect, which has been demonstrated with the famous two-slit experiment.

Basically in this experiment, a single particle of matter, say an electron, is fired at a screen with an electron gun that can shoot single particles. Between the screen and the gun is a board with two tiny slits parallel to each other. The electron can go through either slit and strike the screen on the other side, leaving a tiny mark we can measure, or it will hit the board and stop. It could also miss the board and the screen, or never even make it out of the gun in the first place.

These many different paths each electron can take has a certain probability associated with it. The electron going through the left slit, for example, could be orders of magnitude more likely to occur than the electron missing the board and screen completely. You can change these probabilities by changing the arrangement of the gun, board and screen, or by defining a determined path for the electron in some manner, perhaps with an electric field.

Now, the experiment sounds pretty simple at this point. You can easily imagine the electron as a tiny ball flying through one of the slits in the board and leaving a mark on the screen. You can see how it might bounce off the board instead and never hit the screen. You can see, if not easily, that the electron could miss everything, or never leave the gun, however unlikely that is to occur.

So, what would you expect to find when you actually run this experiment? You'd be in fine company if you say the electron will leave a single mark on the screen where it hits, and that running this experiment many times will result in two solid lines on the screen where the balls went through the slits and hit the screen. Most people would assume this is what is most likely to happen, given the setup described. What really happens, however, is far stranger than anything you could imagine.

The electron does go through one slit, yes, but it also goes through the other, and bounces off the board, and misses the board, and never leaves the gun, all at the same time.

Instead of a two lines marking the screen, showing where the particles went through the slits, we get bands of interference when we carry this experiment out over and over. This can only mean that something is interfering with the electron as it travels through the experiment, and since we're only sending one electron through at a time, it must be the electron itself that's the source of this interference.

The electrons are interfering with themselves in some way to cause a wave pattern to occur, even when we fire only one electron through the experiment at a time. Instead of matter behaving like a solid ball, it's behaving like a wave. Light can do the same thing, but but light's just weird anyways. That this happens with solid matter is proving even weirder.

"Blasphemy!" you cry. How can a single particle do all that at the same time? The secret lies in the way the quantum world works. It all has to do with probability. Since each of these outcomes is likely to a certain degree, they're all present in the actual outcome to that degree. A particle can be described as a packet of probability, with all of it's various wave states present to some degree relative to it's current environment. By combining the possible wave states together in proportion with their probability, we get what we now recognize as a particle. A fuzzy little bundle of energy with a certain likelihood of being in many places or states at the same time.

But what's this have to do with observers? Ah, someone is paying attention. If you thought quantum theory was strange, you're about to meet the most bizarre discovery ever.

It has been observed (heh) that an observer can alter the probability of an outcome in such a way as to make it most likely. The act of observation changes reality at a fundamental level, so much so that a world with an observer is very different than one without. Let's introduce an observer into our experiment to see if we can find out exactly where these electrons go.

Ok, so let's put a little camera next to the board so we can see the slits. We'll run the experiment a bunch of times, and this time when it creates our interference patter on the screen, like it did last time, we can watch as all these electrons go by and find out what's really going on. Sounds logical enough, so let's do it.

Wait! There's a problem. There's no interference patter now! The electrons make two solid lines on the screen where they went through the slits, but that's it. What? That's exactly what we were expecting to happen the first time we ran this experiment, but we got an interference pattern instead. But when we look at the electrons the pattern doesn't appear, and we're left with two simple lines to represent the slits. How odd. Perhaps the camera is messing with the electrons somehow. Let's take it out and see.

Yep. The presence of the camera seems to cause the two lines to appear, while taking it away shows the interference pattern again. Let's try leaving the camera there, but turning it so it can't see the electrons, just to see if it's the physical presence of the camera's matter, or if it's the camera's observation that's affecting our experiment.

Well, what do you know. Leaving the camera in place, but observing something other than the experiment causes an interference pattern, but turning it to see the experiment causes the two simple lines to appear instead. It's finally clear, the act of observation is somehow affecting the electrons probability in some way.

What's the deal with observers and observation? What qualifies as observation, and is there a way to measure anything without direct observation? How can science remedy this unintuitive anomaly in objective reality? Is there even an objective reality, or could our entire understanding of matter and energy be seriously flawed?

I've wondered if somehow this ability of an observer to alter reality is showing us something about time, and free will. If Michio Kaku is correct in describing time like a flowing river that can fork or whirlpool, are these observer anomalies the mechanism for forking this river of time?

Is consciousness somehow part of this? What does it mean when we make a conscious decision to act? Have we chosen a new time stream apart from the one our spouse has chosen, so that the spouse in the days following after that choice is not really the same person we married? Where does this leave God?

I think I hear baby Jebus crying....
......0.o...1 swear to brain
Here, this will probably help.
Nice post!
Ahh..I see what you talking about...guess I just didn't feel like fully understanding all the reading xD
Nice.... *saves for later use*
If you haven't been exposed to this before. Watch the video, and surf around related videos. It will explain everything.

Everything in post makes sense, except the last 2 paragraph. Maybe you can edit to elaborate that idea a bit further?
I think the last two paragraphs were the easiest to understand (although, the entire passage made sense, IMO)

Not exactly easy to explain though. Then again, I just overall suck at explaining things xD
Michio Kaku and some other theoretical physicists believe our universe is but one of an infinite number, each different from each other, sometimes by only a single quantum state. Each is contained in it's own parallel dimension like slices of bread in a loaf, or layers in an onion. Kaku says time travel is also dimensional travel, meaning the place you end up isn't in your own past, but lies in another similar dimension. Or that it is your dimension, but your presence has altered it so it no longer matches your own history, hence can't be your dimension.

I think this observer effect has something to do with how multiple dimensions are spawned to encompass all possible universes. When we observe something, it collapses the wave into a single point of probability, making what we observe the only outcome that exists. In this way you choose on a day to day basis the time stream you take through a multi-verse by observing your environment and collapsing wave functions around you.

So, the question remains, how does the wave know how to collapse? Is it random, just picking one of any infinite number of possible states? Does it rely on pre-existing states, and if so, how can you account for the variety of universes? If God chooses which state it collapses to, then I guess there's no more to ask, but what if it's our expectations that determine how it collapses?

Can we choose the future outcome of a quantum event through observing it with certain expectations? If so, what then?
Ungh. I hate the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. I prefer to the Copenhagen interpretation.
The better question.... how does a wave know it is being observed...
<.< >.>
Popisfizzy wrote:
Ungh. I hate the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. I prefer to the Copenhagen interpretation.

Meh, although Copenhagen seems more likely, the many-worlds interpretation is definitely funner ^.^

Jamesburrow wrote:
The better question.... how does a wave know it is being observed...

It's not sentient. It's just a quantum mechanical effect. A lot of quantum mechanics is rather mind-boggling.
Popisfizzy wrote:
Jamesburrow wrote:
The better question.... how does a wave know it is being observed...

It's not sentient. It's just a quantum mechanical effect. A lot of quantum mechanics is rather mind-boggling.

Yeah, I know. Quantum mechanics is something I have been interested in for the last few years but have never really been able to understand.
I'll be in Physics next year, and the last semester is supposed to deal with quantum physics, so hopefully I'll be able to understand it better then, lol.

Popisfizzy wrote:
Jamesburrow wrote:
The better question.... how does a wave know it is being observed...

It's not sentient. It's just a quantum mechanical effect. A lot of quantum mechanics is rather mind-boggling.

That doesn't answer the question, though.
No, it doesn't. The cause of it is similiar to the uncertainty principle: interaction with photons.
Popisfizzy wrote:
No, it doesn't. The cause of it is similiar to the uncertainty principle: interaction with photons.

Not really. It has nothing to do with uncertainty. It's a form of quantum entanglement. And it works even if you don't use photons. Also, an interesting feature is that if you "erase" the information about the location of the particle before it hits the screen, it restores the interference pattern.
It could have something to do with an observer sitting in the damn way.
Reality does not exist without it being observed, so save reality today by turning off all monitoring equipment and appliances!

In all seriousness this is very interesting.
I always wish the word 'observer' wasn't used in these things, because it carries mental baggage that we don't need polluting an already confusing topic.

Here's the deal: No sentience is required - the electrons don't need to be 'measured', or 'counted', or 'seen'. As long as they are required to interact in a way that would reveal what slit they went though, no interference pattern occurs. Really, the electron is 'observed', whenever it interacts with something.
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