Wondering if we're alone in the universe? Curious what life may exist on other worlds? Suspect we're not alone on this planet? Can't wait to pwn some alien n00bs? You won't have to wait and wonder much longer. They're coming, and sooner than you might think.
In 1947, Roswell New Mexico, the nation got its introduction to the alien debate. For decades since, investigators on both sides of the fence have been fiercely working to uncover the truth, or to cover it up. Seedy groups of elite military and government officials have hoarded this knowledge and technology for far too long, and many want out.
Welcome to the age of disclosure. Whether it's done by Steven Greer and his Disclosure project, Canada or Russia disclosing what it has known, or an outright attack by flying saucers, the end of secrecy is near. What we'll learn will shock, horrify and inspire us. We'll be rightfully put in our place in the cosmic scheme, but don't worry. Change is good.
It might seem unfair that we've been kept in the dark all this time. Some of the tactics of these organizations to keep the truth hidden have been, let's just say you won't be seeing any Disney movies about it. On the other hand, you can sort of see their side too. If you had access to the most awesome technology and intelligence ever encountered by man, would you share with the other kids? I wouldn't. Screw you guys, I'm going to Alpha Centauri!
When will this revelation take place? How long until we're let in on the secret? If I had to put a time frame on it, it would have to be within the next 5 years. I'm betting sooner, though. It won't happen all at once. Indeed, it's already starting to happen now.
Many nations are sick of being forced to hold their tongues, and a few have threatened to disclose if the US doesn't soon. And with Steven Greer's Disclosure Project gathering up witnesses from all levels of government and military, the US may have its hand forced to disclose. There's already talk that those involved are fed up and want out, but the mess is just so huge it's not easy to distinguish what is safe to release and what is not. We still have to consider security.
The aliens are real, they're here and we've all been lied to. The good news is it's all about to end. Let's just hope the unveiling is progressive and positive, though some (Mainly Steven Greer and his ilk) do fear that manned UFOs will be used to pull another false-flag attack (a la 9/11) to facilitate the weaponization of space, and to end liberty throughout the world. If you think Bush trampled your rights in pursuit of "terrorists", I can just imagine what would transpire if a "threat" is perceived to come from space.
Pray Greer is wrong, or pray the aliens don't stand for their race being used as the next bogeyman. I for one, am hopeful. Actually, I just want a Fluxliner (supposedly the name of our smallest man-made alien-based craft) so I can finally see the universe firsthand, rather than watching it on the BBC. >.>
![]() Jun 2 2008, 8:54 pm (Edited on Jun 2 2008, 10:17 pm)
![]() Jun 2 2008, 8:59 pm
I only read the first few lines, but are you saying we're going to find out aliens exist after all?
Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying. Not only that, though. We'll find out they're visiting us, and that we have downed craft and bodies. They may even disclose the existence of our own UFOs, but that is unlikely.
I read the whole thing, things like this typically interest me. Given the vast amount of space in the universe I strongly believe it would be pretty ridiculous that there weren't any aliens out there. Though I for one think we're not in the right age of time to be finding out and that it would be too much of a catastrophe if news like this were to came out. Afterall it's only the dawn of the computer age.
A 100 years sounds good to me as for us actually getting out there and having developed the technology for the slim chance of interacting with aliens. |
But according to military and government officials, we've already been in contact, and have technology based on their own craft.
Our age shouldn't matter. A race that can travel to other stars might be millions of years older than us. Heck, we could have be an alien tourist trap for the last 10,000 years and never known. The computer age is what's changed things, though. Now we have the intellect to imagine other life orbiting other stars, the tools to model our universe and high technology capable of not only tracking these alien craft in our skies, but to bring them down. I think alien races are monitoring us, nervously. We're at an age that we can build massively destructive weapons, yet still immature enough not to. We most likely pose a threat to them. They seem especially interested in our atomic weapons. Some reports claim UFOs disabled our nuclear missiles in our silos, shot down one missile which was supposed to go off on the moon, and are seen near and around military bases where nuclear weapons are stored. First contact is history. I'm talking about public disclosure. |
http://disclosureproject.com/ Also from the witness testimony videos you can find on google.
Keeth wrote:
Where do you get this information, Xooxer? Yeah, these are some pretty awesome stories. Aliens just hanging around our nuclear weapons how cool is that? Lol. I don't know alot of "fact". But I love to imagine the endless possibilities and share my thoughts with everyone. |
I'm curious about why you would think some alien race that's capable of zipping around space at the speed of light would be afraid of US.
And for all we know, they may be looking out for less advanced races who haven't achieved space flight that we may impact, or our nasty habit of ruining everything we touch. They might be concerned about our lust for killing things, or our hunger for power and glory. I'm sure the galaxy is tickled pink we have faster than light vehicles. We may not pose a direct and imminent threat against these beings, but the rest of space isn't so well equipped.
And if you think alien contact here is far out, try dealing with the fact that there are numerous alien structures dotting our moon. Our local space isn't even our own, and that's going to be a hard fact to face for us, possessive, greedy and righteous humans.
If we plan on leaving for other stars in any serious fashion, we'll need to do a lot of growing up. Looking at the next generation, I don't think we'll be ready anytime soon. Ready or not, though, we'll go. What happens when we get there, if we get there, is anyone's guess. |
Roswell was a weather balloon. A. Weather. Balloon.
There are no alien structures on the moon. There are no alien structures on Mars. There are no alien structures anywhere in our solar system, as far as we know. Yes, there is probably alien life, some of it intelligent, somewhere in the universe. But none of it has ever gotten near us. Your conspiracy bulldung is disturbing. |
Thank you Jp, for your insight into the common delusion. You may return to your regularly scheduled War On Terror! Brought to you by Faux News and your owners.
P.S. please keep it clean. |
And by the way, you certainly can't deny the truth in this statement...
"In 1947, Roswell New Mexico, the nation got its introduction to the alien debate." ...with a weather balloon. You're the sort of person that will deny it even when you see it. Your force-fed ideas about this world are disgusting. Your hatred of any non-conformist thought is disturbing. Your ideas are ugly, not mine. |
Yes, I do loathe editing my replies.
Also, read the warning at the top of my blog. If you don't like what I post, you're free not to read it. If my posts disgust you so, why read them? Unless you're some sort of sicko masochist. Do I make you randy baby? |
You know, I actually believe intelligent life exist, but the government is so sadistic that if we found one we'd kill it and do an autopsy immediately, and probably piss them off.
the government is so sadistic that if we found one we'd kill it and do an autopsy immediately, and probably piss them off. Wouldn't it be better to get a live sample first off? |
So why would a non-profit organization, who claims to want to spread the truth to everyone, charge for pretty much all of its content? Seems to me like a scam with a cover of a "The Disclosure Project is a nonprofit research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs...". I would think the first step to full disclosure is to disclose your information.
Keeth wrote:
the government is so sadistic that if we found one we'd kill it and do an autopsy immediately, and probably piss them off. It would, but just look at how they handle things. If they see something up there, they're going to shoot it down rather than attempt to contact it. If they get a live being, they're going to imprison it and most likely kill it for an autopsy. |