Screw you, stupid tax-funded TV station! You twerps wouldn't be getting up to these shenanigans if John Howard was still in charge.
![]() May 28 2008, 8:56 am
http://www.abc.net.au/science/planetslayer/ greenhouse_calc.htm
![]() Screw you, stupid tax-funded TV station! You twerps wouldn't be getting up to these shenanigans if John Howard was still in charge. |
![]() May 28 2008, 9:14 am
That's an extremely stupid "quiz". And I've seen some pretty stupid quizzes in my life.
No, I think you guys misunderstand what it is saying. It is saying that you should die. As in, they think you have used up your resources, and have already taken your fair share, so you should die. Something about that screams super veggie Nazi to me.
I pretty much shouldn't have been born.
I find it amusing that spending a lot of money really kills you -- in my world, spending a lot of money makes other people rich and makes the world a better place, but you know, different strokes! Also, they didn't capture rather important items like how often one buys a new car (I get no credit for keeping a car for 10+ years before replacing it). However, amusingly done. |
I think Scoob got it right--they're saying when you should die, as in some tree-hugging 'tard thinks you've used up your oxygen quota. I can't think of a more transparent look into the real minds of radical environmentalists.
I like how using a Taxi produces less CO2 than walking/using a bike.
Edit: ouch made a bad typo. |
I mainly use my car.....but I don't think that's fair considering I live 4 miles from civilization. Do they want us all to live in self run mud-hut villages or something?
They also don't understand that not all cities are created equal. If I was to ride a bike to work(I am in biking distance), I would be run over on the side of the road because there aren't any bike lanes. When I was a kid(~14), people would honk at me when I was completely out of the way on my bike. It would surprise me so much I'd nearly lose control. It just isn't feasible.
Also, most organic food is no better for the environment than any other food. The biggest difference is that it requires more land than normal plants. Very often it is shipped from over seas. That means more in fuel costs and consumption. Thus, bad for the environment. Buying local, even if it isn't "organic" is far, far better for the environment. That said, I don't usually buy local plants. |
Danial.Beta wrote:
They also don't understand that not all cities are created equal. If I was to ride a bike to work(I am in biking distance), I would be run over on the side of the road because there aren't any bike lanes. When I was a kid(~14), people would honk at me when I was completely out of the way on my bike. It would surprise me so much I'd nearly lose control. It just isn't feasible. Same happened to me when I was travelling 45 km/h downhill in my old hometown. Apparently because 45 km/h isn't 50 km/h, and even in spite of the fact that I was alone on the road and he could have passed perfectly safely, that merited a bout of "get out of the way, stupid kid" (albeit to the tune of a horn). The bastard essentially forced me onto the dirt shoulder at speed and I nearly lost control. This test makes me think, personally, that the ones who write it are the ones who "should die" for advocating such crap. |
Buying local, even if it isn't "organic" is far, far better for the environment.
Perhaps, but to my knowledge that's mostly an untested assumption that tends to come from sources that are looking for ways to be anti-trade and haven't considered all the factors. More on the topic in my latest post... |
Oh, I know it's a complicated subject that I probably shouldn't have brought up, but I did anyways, despite not doing any research before hand. My point was, the whole "green" movement is so riddled with snake oil that it's hard to get behind any of it at all.
All I know is that I drive my fuel efficient car to my job, and try to eat a decent diet(which is rather hard to do when you are class 3 lazy). |
By the way -- for science fiction precedents for governments who say their citizens should die at a certain age, see Logan's Run and Soylent Green. (Edit: both of which are from the 1970's, IIRC. This is the second time I've lived through this environmental-crisis stuff!)
I still haven't seen Soylent Green, but I caught most of Logan's Run through a rather nice site that was shutdown for copyright infringement. It was interesting, although not nearly as deep as I had hoped. I guess it was a huge leap for TV/Movies at the time, at the very least.
I can't actually look at all this stuff - flash doesn't want to work properly in linux for me.
Probably makes more sense in context. Malthus won't be denied, Gug, just put off for a while by new agricultural techniques. The fact remains that the human population can increase much faster than supplies of food possibly can. Sure, modern western countries have about replacement birthrates, but if all the poorer countries lived like we do, there's no way we'd possibly have enough food to feed everybody. Of course, it'll probably never get to that point, what with peak oil coming within the next ten years or so. There goes the western lifestyle. edit: Also, the ABC is not a branch of the Aussie government. It's government-funded, yes, and the board is appointed by the government, but it's run almost like a separate corporate entity, and it's not supposed to show any bias either way. Oh, and I don't think the board's changed since John Howard finally got kicked out of Australian politics, about a decade late. |