I have never worn this shirt to school, despite the fact that I really want to. If I were to wear it to school I would be sent, probably very quickly, to in-school suspension, as our school rules state that guns and related items (like bullets) can't be depicted in any way (i.e. cartoon images, real images, etc.) on clothing or other posessions.
Now, at least once a month, and probably more, I wear a shirt from Maddox's store:

Aside from a few scowls from teachers, as well as the occasional chuckle from others, I've never been given any hassle whatsoever from the school. This is a shirt that, while jokingly, encourages child abuse.
I'm not the only one that sees how this is screwed up, am I? I'd get in trouble for wearing a shirt that shows nuns holding guns, which are completely legal to buy and own in the United States, but I have no trouble wearing a shirt that encourages something that is morally and legally wrong.
American society is screwed up beyond belief.