Seeing as I just recently graduated, I can pretty much expect a nice sum of cash ^_^. Anyways, I'm trying to decide whether I should aim for the 360 Elite or just the Pro version. But here are my questions concerning both:
Is 20gb really enough for the 360? Likewise, is 120gb too much?
Is the harddrive absolutely necessary? I believe I heard that it was only needed to play original xbox games and you could use memory cards, but I also heard about some games requiring it to take full advantage of the system such as Burnout.
Is the 360 Elite that much more reliable than the pro as I've heard?
If you have a Pro/non-Elite, has it broke down on you before?
That's pretty much all I could think of at the moment, but answers to these question would be pretty imperative to my decision. Obviously with either one, I'll be spending over $400 with additional accessories and games, but I see that at least gamestop and Circuit city have a "deal" where if you buy a 360 and GTA 4, you get a $50 gift card. SO uh thanks in advance for you guy's help.
![]() May 25 2008, 8:36 am
Well for Elite, there's alot less bugs for the console, which is a plus and the possibility of the RRoD on the Elite is 1/10000000000000000000000000. The Pro is alright, but has too many bugs. I'd go with the Elite, plus with the Xbox Live Market Place, the 120 GB HDD is needed if you want expansions for all your favorite games such as CoD4, Halo 3, Oblivion, etc.
I have an elite, and I don't think I could live with just a 20gb hard drive anymore; there are a lot of demos, game DLC, and arcade games, and this content is only going to continue coming in increasingly large quantities. I'm not certain an elite is guaranteed to be more reliable than a more recent pro system, but I have definitely felt a little more secure in my purchase. Whatever you do, do NOT go without the hard drive. The 360's memory cards are a joke, and MS really needs to be encouraging developers to take advantage of the hard drive in order to compete with the PS3 (I don't know why they bothered introducing that Arcade SKU).
Wait till after E3. Microsoft are most likely going to announce a price cut on all their SKU's. Also a 120GB harddrive i would say is needed for a HD Console because you will be downloading demo games and content.
Wait a bit. Microsoft is employing a new processor chip that will cut the chances of RRoD happening slim to none (see Halo 3 edition console). You can be safe purchasing one after E3. Go for the elite.
Gah, don't think I could wait that long..But isn't E3 in July or so? Maybe I could tide over with some games for my wii and then use the college money I get for the Elite..But uh thanks guys.
AnNoYaNcE.FaCtOr wrote:
Wait a bit. Microsoft is employing a new processor chip that will cut the chances of RRoD happening slim to none (see Halo 3 edition console). You can be safe purchasing one after E3. Go for the elite. It'll be ready for around Christmas time. Not for summer :/ |
The HDD isn't 100% necessary but a memory card wont handle XBOX Live Marketplace for long. I recommend you go for the 20GB model unless you've got cash to burn. The 120GB model is great and all but there isn't much of an advantage. All having a 20GB HDD means is that from time to time you have to delete your old demos in order to download new ones.
To give you an idea of how much space things take up, right now I've got the following on my (20GB) hard drive with 2.8GB to spare: Game Files -3D Ultra Minigolf (XBLA Game, 44MB) -American Wasteland (Save Data, 152kb) -Assassin's Creed (Save Data, 356kb) -Bankshot Billiards (XBLA Game, 37MB) -BioShock (Save Data + Download Content, 43MB + 20MB) -Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Save Data + Map Pack, 1MB + 444MB) -Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (XBLA Game, 95MB) -Condemned (Save Data, 2MB) -Crackdown (Save Data + Download Content, 140kb + 98MB) -Dead Rising (Save Data + Download Content, 4MB+ 1MB) -Double Dragon (XBLA Game, 24MB) -Gears of War (Save Data + Download Content, 159kb + 230MB) -GTAIV (Save Data, 1.5MB) -Guitar Hero III (Save Data + Download Content, 600kb + 226MB) -GUN (Save Data, 208kb) -Halo 3 (Download Content, 487MB) -Hexic HD (XBLA Game, 55MB) -Hitman: Blood Money (Save Data, 80kb) -Lost Oddyssey (Save Data + Download Content, 260kb + 1.6MB) -Mass Effect (Save Data, 7MB) -Naruto: Rise of a Ninja (Save Data, 936kb) -Need For Speed: Most Wanted (Save Data, 120kb) -Oblivion (Save Data, 7MB) -Overlord (Save Data, 3MB) -Penny Arcade Episode I (XBLA Game, 166MB) -Project Sylpheed (Save Data, 3MB) -Saints Row (Save Data, 1MB) -skate (Save Data, 4MB) -StarWars: Republic Commando (XBOX Game, Patch to make it work on the 360, 1MB) -Stranglehold (Save Data, 3MB) -Tenchu Z (Save Data, 64kb) -The Orange Box (Save Data, 80MB, Five different save files) -Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (XBLA, 44MB) -Rainbow Six: Vegas (Save Data + 2x Download Content Packs, 60kb + 2x 700MB (1.4BG)) Demos -DMMM: Elements (689MB) -Eternal Sonata (610MB) -Iron Man (643MB) -Lost Planet Online Demo (174MB) -Project Gotham Racing 3 (1.3GB) -skate (1.1GB) -The Club (1.4GB) -Turok (1.2GB) Most of the save data over 1MB is actually several save files. There's also a bit more on my memory card, as well as a few patches and updates, and I've still got 2.8GB left. I own about 34 games and if I'm playing a game I tend to buy the download content, yet still the majority of the 20GB is taken up by a handful of demos. Microsoft have rules regarding file storage so that the core and arcade XBOX 360 packages remain 100% compatible with all XBOX 360 titles. The only advantage the memory card has over the HDD is that you can take it with you. I keep my gamer profile on the memory card along with the save data of a few games so that I can take it around my friends houses with me. |
I have the 20gb model, and it's just not enough. I mean if you intend to rarely download nothing, ever, go for it. But yeah the 120gb model is probably the one to go for.
As for RRODing they've already pretty much cut down the chances of it happen to next to nothing seemingly, though if you want to be safe just wait for the new chips to ship. |
Yeah, I don't think I would bother holding out for the new chips; even once they're out, you aren't guaranteed to find one when you go to the store as they're still going to be selling the older models they have in stock.
Only wait if you need the price drop, otherwise you're missing out on valuable playing time =P. |
Lord Raven wrote:
(I don't know why they bothered introducing that Arcade SKU). I didn't at first but after talking with people who were buying it I realized it's actually pretty good. If you don't plan on putting your 360 online then it's the package to go with. |
Lord Raven wrote:
Yeah, I don't think I would bother holding out for the new chips; even once they're out, you aren't guaranteed to find one when you go to the store as they're still going to be selling the older models they have in stock. Well I haven't exactly got the cash yet, but just planning ahead since I don't plan to be inactive this whole summer. |
MS: XBLA file size limit being increased to 350mb Xbox Live Arcade's David Edery gas said that Microsoft are increading the XBLA file size limit from 100mb to 350mb. "Yeah, it's a steady progress. We've been listening to our partners, listening to our customers to try and get a feel for what's right. We don't want the size limit to hit the roof because we think there's some value in promoting small pick and play experiences that don't cost USD 20 million, it's good for the ecosystem." said David. According to an MS insider, the Jasper motherboard powered Xbox 360 which features a cooler 65 nm GPU and a 65 nm CPU should hit stores in the first week of September this year. Maxconsole 360 has some nice 360 Updates news. Check it out. |
Lord Raven wrote:
Yeah, I don't think I would bother holding out for the new chips; even once they're out, you aren't guaranteed to find one when you go to the store as they're still going to be selling the older models they have in stock. Or you can just go to a store where they actually sell just games, like EB Games or Gamestop, get a good deal on the console, and know it's new. Buying from a sell-all store is horrible, because they don't know anything about games or electronics most of the time. |
AnNoYaNcE.FaCtOr wrote:
Or you can just go to a store where they actually sell just games, like EB Games or Gamestop, get a good deal on the console, and know it's new. My point was that those stores would still have to sell off the old stock. Hopefully they're knowledgeable enough to help you get the correct model if you specifically ask. I had a friend ask for the HDMI-capable pro model and the Gamestop would only tell them that they couldn't be certain which version he was buying (they ought to have been able to). Asking ought to help in most cases, though, so I completely agree that you should go to a specialty shop. |
Well guys got over $750(so far)..Seems like the Elite is more worthwhile, but I don't want to spend all my cash in one place..:S
For 750$..You can get a PS3 and an xbox pro...
*Or better yet just a ps3. I just ordered a pro version off of ebay. I got one that was like new and a 1 year warranty that pays for all repairs it may need. All for under 300. It might arrive this week, hooray. That + gamefly membership = win. |