Inspiration can come from the strangest of places. I would have never expected I'd type this up after slicing off some toe skin on the flat side of my computer base as I leapt up to leave my bedroom just an hour and a half ago.
To start this, my bedroom is moderately small. A few packed boxes from moving actually stand in the way of opening and shutting my door entirely. As I have no space to unload them, they're all sitting in a nice big Jenga stack which stops the door from opening all of the way - I squeeze around them to open the door enough to get out. This is an accident waiting to happen.
As I was getting ready to head for the shower, I moved over to the door with more haste than was necessary. I squeeze around the boxes, not considering the fact that I hadn't moved back enough to give the door enough room to slide by me.
I swing the door open and strike the tip of my big toe with the corner. I now have an unsightly indent that is rapidly changing colors from a bright red to a dark purple, but fortunately the skin wasn't broken.
I make my way to the shower down the hall, get clean, and head back to my room to get a few papers I left behind. A family member from downstairs yells that I'll be late for my college interview if I don't hurry up. So I hurried...
Again. I struck the same spot on the same toe. I now had an open wound that stung like hell and began to bleed.
I cut myself on a door.
The injury wasn't really bad, though. It just looked rather unsightly to have an erupting crater a few millimeters deep right under my toenail.
Certainly the crown of dumbest injury shouldn't be placed upon my head, though. Go ahead and share your worst. See how well someone can outdo me.
![]() Oct 3 2005, 10:59 am
![]() Oct 3 2005, 11:09 am
I guess that would have to be... "checking if the car's cigarette lighter was getting hot because it didn't seem like it"... I stuck my finger on it and *sizzle sizzle*.
Not as bad as when my brother pulled out a stove tray thing in food lab class with his bare hands, while the stove was on, Kunark. I only wish I could've seen it. Another time, my brother turned on the shower and hot water just burst out and gave him some 2nd degree burns I believe, though that wasn't hise fault.
Out of pure experience, stubbing your toe on the door hurts a LOT. Happens to me a lot. -_-
I stuck my face in front of a trebuchet while we were pulling it back. The trebuchet alone was 200lbs, plus a 100lbs counter weight. Someone's hand slipped, and I got smacked. Shattered my skull under my right eye. Outdo that.
My injuries? None of them were very bad. They just were really, really silly.
In one month, I tried to kill my left eye. First, I was applying nail polish. It flew into my eye. ^^; Then I had to stand in the shower for about a half hour, trying to make sure it was all rinsed out. Then we went to the emergency room, just to make sure it hadn't hardened, and done... something. I don't know what. Then, not two weeks later, I was eating some crackers. And a cracker crumb flew upwards of my mouth, and landing in my eye. was weird. It ended up kind of wearing away. (Not to mention all of the countless eyelashes and dust I got in that eye, that month. But they don't count. They weren't quite as self-imposed.) I'm sure there are worse self-injuries I've done, both stupidity-wise and injury-wise, but I can't really think of them. *shrug* |
Was hanging out my mates sunroof o' his car. He was going a nice steady 160kph when I was smacked in the head by an overhanging branch from a tree. The branch snapped clean off, I was knocked unconscious. Fun times.
Hmmm, My stupidest injury?
Hah. Which one? I was on my trampoline, and my eldest brother Jeff pulled into the driveway. I dont see him often becuase he has a job,two kids, and a wife, so I was happy, and in a hurry to hop off and go talk to him. I walked to the edge of the trampoline, and my right foot fell right through the little spring openings. Ouch. Can you say, "Nut-Cracker"? I was at my brothers new house (Jeff's), and we were in his basement. We were walking to the other end of the basement, while talking about what he eventually wants to do to it. I turned around to talk to him (still walking, though backwards). I turned around and WHAM! I hit my forehead off this big metal post/piller thing in his basement. Kunark said, I guess that would have to be... "checking if the car's cigarette lighter was getting hot because it didn't seem like it"... I stuck my finger on it and *sizzle sizzle*. Heh, I have this strange habit. Whenever I am not sure weather the lighter in my car is hot or not.. I always stick it right up against my cheek... I haven't been burnt yet though, but it's an accident waiting to happen. |
I've had so many trampoline injuries that the lady whose house I visit ended up asking me to get my parents to sign an agreement that whenever I got hurt on her trampoline, it wasn't her fault. :P
The nut cracker incident has become a situtation where I stop at the edge of the trampoline and consider how I'll approach getting off it for about 20 seconds, every time I want to get off. :P |
I was bored, so I rode my mountain bike to my friends house. They were on skateboards and were using a jump. I decided to jump it, and the first time I was fine. But the second time I flew off and broke my elbow.
They failed to tell me that it was the kicker side of the ramp. >:( |
lol wish one do you want here about
ill just say my worse one k i was up on top of a 3 story houses roof helping my dad and granpal put shingels and it just happend that the first time i got up on the roof the shingels slid off and i went to the ground all that happend tho was that i got the breath knocked out of me then i got back up and got back on the roof this time checking to see if it was safe tho |
I once solved the area of a triangle by integration only to see when near completion a familiar formula emerge.
I came home one night and my mom called me up from the bar, she was drunk as a skunk. She said she was so pissed I didnt do any dishes or take the trash out, she had to leave before I came home or shed rip my lungs out. [So I guess sitting in a bar, getting drunker and drunker and madder and madder is better right? Fucking idiot.]
So She says when she gets home the house better be clean, and shes gonna scream her lungs out at me. So I am sitting there washing dishes and I noticed there is pink goo under the cookie jar. I go to pick the jar up, but it wont lift.. So I take the lid off, grab it by the rim of the jar and pull as hard as I can. The jar smashes into a million pices. I check to see if theres any blood. So far so good.. I turn my hand around to look at my fingers to see the worlds biggest chunk of skin ripped out of my right hand pointer and pinky fingers. Blood is pouring out all over the floor, theres big chunks of skin hanging from my finger, and my hands starting to get stiff. I wrapped my hand up in a rag and calming call up my mom telling here I need a ride to the emergency room. When I get there, they have to give me like 10 shots because I was like 10 years behind on all of my shots.. Then they dump a mixture of salty, soapy water mixed with peroxided on it. My hand is still in shock so I feel none of this when they start to clean dig and probe. But then, they have to stitch it up, and because of this, they have to freeze my hand up. The stuff they used, which they appled to with a needled to my knuckles is the most painful stuff I have ever had stuck into my body. It was the most mindblowing pain I have ever felt in my life time. As they are stitching me up, the find out I have cut 2 arterys and partailly cut one of my tendons. For the next 6 months I have my hand wrapped up. I had to go to physcal thearpy and work my hand. They said since it was only a partial cut, they were going to let "nature take its course" which means, hope the tendon heals right, or cut me open and stitch it up the right way, what they SHOULD have done the first time. Everything is ok now, my hand is just still now. Too much writing, or typing makes my hand feel very stiff and painful. Still, it was a big joke at the hospital. When I left that night, they told me to keep my hands out of the cookie jar from now on. Its very surprising how fast a mother can sober up when she finds out their children is hurt very badly. Ill have to cut a finger off next time I piss my mom off. |