As i turned on my radio this afternoon, i listened to a song... then 2 minutes later, heard one that was nearly identical... and this pattern continued throughout the night. Where has all the original stuff gone... instead of this cookie cutter bs... same background rhythm to every song no matter the genre... you play ten songs on top of each other... and have the same damn for... all songs have hooks, bridges... i guess the era of good music has died...
Try not listening to hip-hop or pop.
i listen to rock
AnNoYaNcE.FaCtOr wrote:
Try not listening to hip-hop or pop.

Angey447 wrote:
i listen to rock
AnNoYaNcE.FaCtOr wrote:
Try not listening to hip-hop or pop.

some icp, incubus, sick puppies, lots of classic rock eric claptin, billy joel, very selective pop...and not the main songs on the the ones the artists actually wrote instead of the mainstream stuff to sell the album
AnNoYaNcE.FaCtOr wrote:
Angey447 wrote:
i listen to rock
AnNoYaNcE.FaCtOr wrote:
Try not listening to hip-hop or pop.


ICP is shit. New age main stream rock is skewed. Try Nirvana and Say Anything. Serj Tankien might be good for your tastes too.
Metallica, Nirvana(previously suggested, I know), Areosmith, Rob Zombie(If you listen to ICP then first God help you, and second you can stand Zombie.), Black Sabbath. And there's a very large variety of them out there.