I frequently visit Chinese/Mandarin based YouTube channels to work on my listening skills. One channel, "Duowei" has been a consistent source for me of rapid, grammatically sound, and vernacularly rich videos. For anyone out there who has a few years Mandarin under their belt, I recommend this channel highly.
On that matter, there is a video out of a young lady venomously attacking the people and efforts in the Sichuan province.
(I can only really understand about 1/2 of it; basically, she's saying the Sichuan folks are a waste of time and a waste of money, and they should just "die quicker" so that they don't have any more airtime.)
I'll be intrigued as to what follows. The Chinese netizens have found her QQ number and where she lives.
I would probably venture a guess that if someone did this in the United States, no one would really care. It's probably a nice effect of the whole 1st Amendment thing.
May 21 2008, 10:40 am (Edited on May 22 2008, 7:38 am)