And the obligatory first post content!
Hello there. I'm AnNoYaNcE.FaCtOr. The key was made with the intent of being original while maintaining a generic unoriginality.
You've most likely seen me in other people's blogs or on the developer forums. I'm glad to join the members community.
![]() May 20 2008, 12:29 pm
![]() May 20 2008, 12:32 pm
I say the random joining of this person is a conspiracy. I mean think about it, the person shows up, says they're new, but decides to buy a BYOND member? I don't understand that, so therefore it only means one thing, hostile take over by monster bagels.
Yammen wrote:
I say the random joining of this person is a conspiracy. I mean think about it, the person shows up, says they're new, but decides to buy a BYOND member? I don't understand that, so therefore it only means one thing, hostile take over by monster bagels. Slurm did the same a while back if I remember correctly. |
Exactly, I believe that was a conspiracy. It's like he popped up, made a decompiler, then mysteriously goes away. Kind of strange if you ask me. At least Hobnob who did the same is still around making updates to SS13.
Actually Yammen, Slurm is still highly active. If you visit the forum you'll see him either making a bug report or helping someone out. Is he active with the SS13 community still? I would not know.