Now, the current release of The Gauntlet has extremely simple controls. You use the arrow keys to move your character around, and bumping into things activates them. The only controls beyond that are speed controls, which aren't really necessary, and the ability to load and save games.
When you're in the dark and you can't see the keyboard, but you can find the arrow keys, that means you can still play the game, because you've got your hands on the controls, kind of like with a console controller - you know where all the buttons are.

The Gauntlet has very simple controls.
Now, in a newer engine that I was developing for the game, I was going for more depth over the simplicity, because it seemed like the first version might be a little too simplistic. In the newer version, you use the arrow keys to walk around, use the center key to target and object followed by an arrow key in the direction you want to use that object. You also must use a specific object by using the up-right and up-left numpad keys to circulate through the inventory. Plus, you can use the 0 key on the number pad to view your status screen.
Of course, one of the first problems I encountered with this on my laptop was that the laptop doesn't have a number pad, which basically crippled the game.
The newer engine, however, also allows things such as dialog with NPCs, and having the player choose an item before using it makes the player think about what they need to do instead of just bumping into things randomly, hoping to activate something.

The new Gauntlet engine has more depth.
So the question now is, which is better? The simplistic original engine, with easy controls and a shallow learning curve, or the newer engine, with more depth, more complexity, and more complicated controls?
I like to think of Zelda, the masterpiece in my opinion. The game's controls and systems are simple, but the puzzles and Enemies find depth within the simple game play.