Keywords: dbo, dbo2, dboii, dbz, game, good, lg10
I don't know how or why, but they're gone. Possibly for good. 2shea must have deleted them or something. We've bought a new site, and will have that up and running soon enough though.

A small progress update.

We're progressing pretty steadily for now, Exams have hit some of us pretty hard, but theres nothing to worry about. Gojin is doing a great job on the turf. We now have a pretty sweet, and ACCURATE otherworld checkin station, aswell as some very nice city environments being developed.

Crunking, is doing a very nice job on the techniques and special effects. The explosion wave alone, mirrors that of the one in the new burst limit game coming out, and it looks spectacular. Hes currently finishing up the scatter beam technique (krillin's attack)

Mistik is doing a great job aswell, He has already made a myriad of items and inventory items. From boots and gis to potara earings and senzu bags.

I'm working on the bases, ironing out any changes, and adding states. All that is left for me to do with the Human/Saiyan/Android/HalfSaiyan base is to finish the dash transitions, and move onto the rest of the ki attacks. Nameks, and Changelings will follow suit, and will take much less time to complete.

I have also found a writer to help on the story that will be introduced in the game. That being said, the original story will be there aswell. Players will be able to play through the game as if it was single player, aswell as with others. The story will involve a myriad of quests, that the player can partake in. If they dont wish to train. And no, they wont be "go find my glasses" quests either.

My next post will be about the programming side of things.

Offtopic here:

Any Pixel Artists, or Artists in general out there, if you havnt already been to the Byond Art Society, Please do come by and share your work, Its a great place to go to if youd like to better your work, and speak with some of the better artists on BYOND.

I want to hear about the games programming and systems!

Pixel art is great and all but.. :(