But here it is:

My Servey - Hiro Nikashi
Name Michael Young
Age 15
Height/Weight 5 Foot 7 / 124 Pounds
BirthPlace Anderson, South Carolina
Current Location Winston Salem, North Carolina
Music Any, sept stupid stuff.
Interest Byond, Sports, School, Girls, Martial Arts, Computers
Sports Baseball, Basketball, Football, Soccer, Hockey, and Volley-Ball
School Parkland High School
Grade 10th
Fights 4-6, Not sure.
Martial Arts Tae Kwon Do
On a scale of 1-10, how good can you code in byond 6
Whats your name mean (Hiro Nikashi) Its just a role play name....Everyone seems to think im asian when I use it. Im not asian. Im full blooded american.
What Non-Byond games to you play. City Of Heroes, Strong Hold 2, Age Of Empires 2, Guild Wars, Ragnarok Online
Do you pay for any of the games City Of Heroes, and Ragnarok Online.
What kind of car do you have Dont have one O.O
How much do you make a month 602$ or so.
Do you like BYOND and its enviroment Yes, its a fun place to game, sept all the zeta rips, and Dragonball Z Games. I like Role Playing games, and byond has that.