![]() Jun 17 2008, 10:53 am
You're a few months late. =(
SuperAntx wrote:
You're a few months late. =( May 6th, June 17th. I'm not an expert on time, but that doesn't look like months. |
digitalmouse wrote:
K'ros Trikare wrote: I'll see what I can do. Have some college stuff to pay for soon but, I can probably pay off a portion of it. |
Damn, I've only just noticed what digitalByond is. After my late arrival to BYOND I hear that digitalBYOND was an excellent service, and when I try to look at the services it offers I find out that service is no more?
I read your post but I still don't get why or how you so much to pay for your bill? Any help on that? |
Haywire wrote:
I read your post but I still don't get why or how you so much to pay for your bill? Because the service survived on people paying on time, not from my pocket. everyone knew ahead of time that i don't put any of my own money into digitalBYOND, aside from what i use. it was self-sufficient until some people stopped paying. Any help on that?any help on what? if you want to pay the missing $620USD, be my guest! otherwise you should look into someone like Slicehost to run your own *nix-based server for BYOND. i might use their service in the future to start a new digitalBYOND, but there is no time-frame for that. |
Well, I definately can't help with the money but I sure can help supporting for the rise of the updated digitalBYOND, I'm un-employed at 14 years of age >_> So I doubt I can help.
Thanks for the information and long live the new digitalBYOND. |
no, you misunderstand, digitalbyond is dead. Digitalmouse closed it due to his overly lax payment policies a long long time ago.
Masterdan wrote:
... digitalbyond is dead. drugs are bad, masterdan. did you even *read* this thread? on this page alone: digitalmouse wrote: As stated in the past, digitalBYOND will return at some point, just not anytime soon. and: ...i might use their [slicehost] service in the future to start a new digitalBYOND, but there is no time-frame for that. *and* Haywire was offering to help in the future. |
im not on drugs. I never trusted you when you said digitalbyond will be back at some point. Look this thread was made half a year ago. Even if you host again and call it digitalbyond, i mean there's no point in promising a return of a hosting service that goes down for such a long time.
Masterdan wrote:
there's no point in promising a return of a hosting service that goes down for such a long time. and i'm not promising at all, if you read the content of the thread. 'long time'? considering the service was self-sustaining for over 3 years before it succumbed to the failings of several members of it's userbase, 6 months is small in comparison. |
6 months is a long downtime to contest the service didnt die. Most hosting services would lose all goodwill towards it because of a random 6 month downtime.
Masterdan wrote:
Most hosting services would lose all goodwill towards it because of a random 6 month downtime. I'd use digitalBYOND if it was up. lol random? |
yeah random! it was so not expected when we had a day to backup our files before digitalbyond went down indefinitely. Did not see that coming. Actually what happened was we lost access to the files with no warning, and then we got a window of time after complaining like crazy to get the savefiles backed up. That was annoying AND we had to find a new place to store the save files, Digitalbyond was our central server that all the other servers communicated to!
Well, the first notice was on March 03, 2008 and it went down on the 8th/12th. That's a little more than a single day, Masterdan.
Masterdan wrote:
yeah random! it was so not expected when we had a day to backup our files before digitalbyond went down indefinitely. Did not see that coming. that's sooo full of crap, i'll have to start wearing hip-waders. you had oodles of time. the original post about account holders needing to backup your data was on April 11th, and the projected shutdown of the account was on April 20th (http://www.byond.com/members/ DigitalBYOND?command=view_post&post=41460). if nine days are not enough to backup a BYOND game plus save files, then there is no help for you. Actually what happened was we lost access to the files with no warning, true. and then we got a window of time after complaining like crazy to get the savefiles backed up. not true. you complained (rightly so, but not 'like crazy'- stop exaggerating), i complained to the server provider, and they opened up the server until April 20th. i informed everyone on April 11th. That was annoying sure it was! and you can thank the people who stopped paying for their accounts. i stressed to everyone several times in digitalBYOND blog posts about the importance to pay their bills because the service was user-supported, not supported from my pocket or any kind of budget. you were all warned ahead of time what could happen and i was able to get the service provider to be nice long enough to open the servers so you could make backups. they, and i, were under no obligation to do that, as written in digitalBYOND's own TOS. further more, i said that if and when digitalBYOND returns, i would credit the missing account time to the users when the new service goes online. random? it is not like you were kicked offline dozens of times over the course of a year. the service shutdown happened once. please get your facts straight. |
Masterdan wrote:
yeah random! it was so not expected when we had a day to backup our files before digitalbyond went down indefinitely. Did not see that coming. that's sooo full of crap, i'll have to start wearing hip-waders. you had oodles of time. the original post about account holders needing to backup your data was on April 11th, and the projected shutdown of the account was on April 20th (http://www.byond.com/members/ DigitalBYOND?command=view_post&post=41460). if nine days are not enough to backup a BYOND game plus save files, then there is no help for you. Actually what happened was we lost access to the files with no warning, true. and then we got a window of time after complaining like crazy to get the savefiles backed up. not true. you complained (rightly so, but not 'like crazy'- stop exaggerating), i complained to the server provider, and they opened up the server until April 20th. i informed everyone on April 11th. That was annoying sure it was! and you can thank the people who stopped paying for their accounts. i stressed to everyone several times in digitalBYOND blog posts about the importance to pay their bills because the service was user-supported, not supported from my pocket or any kind of budget. you were all warned ahead of time what could happen and i was able to get the service provider to be nice long enough to open the servers so you could make backups. they, and i, were under no obligation to do that, as written in digitalBYOND's own TOS. further more, i said that if and when digitalBYOND returns, i would credit the missing account time to the users when the new service goes online. random? it is not like you were kicked offline dozens of times over the course of a year. the service shutdown happened once. please get your facts straight. |
SuperAntx wrote:
Well, the first notice was on March 03, 2008 and it went down on the 8th/12th. That's a little more than a single day, Masterdan. The servers went down way before a post was made declaring digitalbyond dead. Its not a big deal though, im just saying while it is nice that if digitalbyond comes back we would get credited and the service resumed, i dont think the time window for its return is such that it would be regarded as a downtime, i mean I would like digitalbyond to return, it was reliable before the one and only albeit permanent lapse of service. Im just saying you know as far as technological services go, 6 months is a lifetime. Nobodys slandering digitalbyond anyway, we know that the service was professionally run for 3 years while it was active, however the ending of the service was abrupt, while there was posts about collectability issues we were re-assured that it would likely be resolved. It was surprising that it ended the way it did, and its also surprising that it stayed down. I think byond needs more direct purposed servers for games to help keep capacity up to demand or at very least keep the capacity up to demand while maintaining play quality. DigitalByond probably has the best name ever established in that front, basically i'm sad that I was around for its fall and did not participate in the 3 year clear sailing period. Games like GOA need affordable and consistant servers to exist. |