Just follow this plan, made by the finest brainstormers in the world! The Chatters community!
[12:15:59 am] Oronar: Pfft, you should just do a bunch of trades starting with a tooth pick.
[12:16:15 am] Armiris: Trade a toothpick for cheese
[12:16:20 am] Armiris: Trade cheese for a sandiwch
[12:16:24 am] Armiris: Trade a sandwich for cake
[12:16:35 am] Armiris: Trade cake for a McDonalds coupon
[12:16:50 am] Armiris: Trade a McDonalds coupon for a Wal-Mart coupon
[12:17:07 am] Armiris: Use the Wal-Mart coupon and buy a t-shirt for free
[12:17:17 am] Armiris: Trade the t-shirt for sneakers
[12:17:31 am] Armiris: Trade the sneakers for some cheap computer part
[12:17:35 am] Armiris: And sell the computer part
[12:17:59 am] Armiris: You earn money and never have to spend money
[12:18:58 am] Armiris: And then you spend the money for a whole box of toothpicks
[12:19:03 am] Armiris: Thats when the real trading starts
[12:19:23 am] Keeth: Only problem is.
[12:19:31 am] Keeth: You'd need to be buying something people actually want.
[12:19:34 am] Keeth: Not a toothpick.
[12:19:45 am] Armiris: You didn't see the entire trade
[12:19:56 am] Armiris: The toothpicks can get you a wheel of cheese
[12:20:07 am] Armiris: The wheel of cheese gets you a foot-long sub
[12:20:14 am] Armiris: The foot-long sub gets you a pie
[12:20:28 am] Armiris: The pie gets you a book of McDonalds coupons
[12:20:28 am] Keeth: Ok, I get this.
[12:20:30 am] Keeth: Ok.
[12:20:43 am] Armiris: The book of McDonalds coupons get you a book of WalMart coupons
[12:20:55 am] Armiris: Use the Wal-Mart coupons to get an entirte rack of free t-shirts
[12:21:03 am] Armiris: Then you get an entire rack of sneakers
[12:21:13 am] Armiris: Then you get an expensive computer part
[12:21:17 am] Armiris: And you sell it
[12:21:31 am] Armiris: And you gain even more money
[12:21:51 am] Keeth: The thing is, none of that happened because nobody is gonna trade a wheel of cheese for a bunch of toothpicks.
[12:22:01 am] Armiris: Not normally, no
[12:22:11 am] Armiris: But the person with the cheese needs the toothpicks
[12:22:18 am] Armiris: To make little squares of cheese on a platter
[12:22:32 am] Keeth: If they give away their cheese why would they need toothpicks?
[12:22:37 am] Armiris: They have more cheese
[12:22:43 am] Keeth: It makes no sense, see.
[12:22:46 am] Armiris: No
[12:22:52 am] Armiris: The person sells wheels of cheese
[12:22:56 am] Armiris: So he has more cheese on hand
[12:23:04 am] Armiris: He just gave him free cheese for the toothpicks
[12:23:05 am] Keeth: Then he'd just take a dollar and go buy 9000 toothpicks.
[12:23:14 am] Keeth: From all the cheese he sells.
[12:23:15 am] Armiris: He lost his money in the casino
[12:23:23 am] Keeth: No he didn't.
[12:23:43 am] Armiris: Yes he did
[12:23:46 am] Keeth: And if he did, he wouldn't be selling cheese anymore.
[12:23:50 am] Keeth: Cause he wouldn't have a job.
[12:23:53 am] Armiris: He wanted to try and get rich and sell gourmet cheese
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