To cut a long story short, a while ago, maybe 4-5 months I was browsing around BYOND guilds and saw that the action guild was basically dead. The only games hosted were... Not that good zombie games, not that good at all.
And so, I decided to make my own action game... Well, to tell you the truth I had already begun over a year ago, but just never bothered with it after a few days. More than anything it was just to play around, but I decided to revive the project and did a fair bit with it!
I ended up getting bored though, I made the game almost entirely on my own, from coding to sprites and what not. I always get bored, maybe sometime in the future I will actually finish the game.
And so, I am going to release the source code to the game.
The game is a generic zombie survival game, you and other players are slapped into a level and have to survive from an endless wave of zombies for as long as possible. It is played in an overhead mode with 8 directional movement.
It contains a wide assortment of guns, all of which are upgradable, and most have different types of ammo. All of them are based off of real life guns too.
There is
4 Automatic Rifles. Excellent all round weapons. Nice damage, good firing rates, manageable recoil, good ammo capacity.
Machineguns. Insane ammo capacities and fire rates, but horrid recoil.
4 Pistols. Average ammo capacities, decent fire rates, good accuracy and low recoil, but poor damage.
4 Revolvers. Low ammo capacities and poor reload speeds, but usually very good damage for a pistol type weapon.
Rifles. Good damage, good accuracy, low ammo capacity, average recoil, reload times and fire rates.
Shotguns. Excellent damage at short range, at long ranged with certain ammo types can hit multiple zombies. Poor accuracy however, low ammo capacity, horrid reload times and high recoil.
Sniper Rifles. Excellent damage and accuracy, loow ammo capacities, firing rates and horrid recoil (some of these sniper rifles were intended to be fired at armored vehicles, not people).
Sub-machine guns. Fast firing rates, high ammo capacities, low accuracy and damage and average recoil.
There is also 2 rocket launchers. Insane damage over a wide area, but very low ammo (usually 1-2 shots) and slow reload times.
Two grenade launchers, one is single shot. The other holds upto 6 grenades (or was it 4)? Excellent damage over a wide area, slow reload times and rare ammo however.
There is also a crossbow. All stats for it are average except ammo and recoil, it has practically no recoil and can only ever hold 1 ammo. However, crossbows have loads of ammo types, making them have a wide array of uses.
There is also melee weapons. Divided into blunt and slashing types.
Slashing types generally do more damage but blunt types stun enemies for a short time and can knock enemies backwards.
There is even bombs!
C4 which can be set to explode after a set time, when triggered remotely or when stepped on.
Mines which will trigger when stepped on.
Grenades, which can be thrown. There is standard grenades, smoke grenades, flashbang and even napalm!
There is also things such as bandages and first aid kits to heal you up. And torches to help you see in the dark (and even heat vision goggles!)
(Light and dark were going to play an important part in the game)
The game uses minor RPG elements too. All characters have stats, like how strong, fast and good they are with guns.
Strength determines how much damage a character does with melee weapons and what objects a character and push/pull around.
Accuracy effects how often a gun hits, and whether it will hit certain body parts of not.
Stamina is how much of a beating a character can take.
Resilience reduces any damage a character takes.
Speed effects how fast a character can run.
Recovery effects how fast a characters health and injuries regenerate.
And Survival makes a character more adept at surviving. They make better use of food and healing items.
You may download and use it anyway you want, provided you give credit where credit is due. The game is suprisingly close to completion (for me). All it needs is a decent method of setting up and hosting games, and some levels to play on.
But be warned, the coding (especially the AI) is neither clean or optimized. It is sloppy, probably inefficient and uncommented on. And for the average joe BYOND user it will probably not be nice to look at.
The game uses one library which you will need sd_DynamicAreaLighting
Anyway, if you want it, download it. Use it as you want.
Maybe when I have finished on the current project I am working on I will come back to it, finish it off and release it. But that could be months away, or even never. And I'd much rather that it at least gets used because it is so close to actually being a game.
Also, depending on how well this goes I might release the source codes to other projects I haven't bothered finishing.
![]() Apr 27 2008, 12:01 pm
D4RK3 54B3R wrote:
I love it, though there's one thing that's bugging me. It is actually a UKM, not PKM. But it has a scope to make it look different from all the oth machineguns (which look very similar). Also, the Redhawk is a real revolver. The Ruger Redhawk is it's full name. (so space between red and hawk). As for what guns use what ammo. Most of the guns have varients of some sort, and I probably used one of those variants to make things easier, simpler or more balanced. The AK-47 for example can use 5.56x45mm NATO ammo. But only models like the AK-47M1. I just keep it called a AK-47 for simplicity reasons. Other guns, like the M16 for example use different magazines. M16s can use 20, 30, 40, 90 and 100 round magazines. And the Beretta 92 can use 10, 15, 17, 18 or 20 round magazines. But yeah. If they are wrong then it was most likely because I am too lazy to make all the different ammo types for each gun, or it was for balancing purposes. |
The Magic Man wrote:
Also, the Redhawk is a real revolver. The Ruger Redhawk is it's full name. (so space between red and hawk). Now, an AK47 that can fire 5.56mm NATO? I know that there are a number of guns that are based upon the AK47 action that can fire that round, like the Saiga and the AK101... Other guns, like the M16 for example use different magazines. M16s can use 20, 30, 40, 90 and 100 round magazines. Yeah, I'm aware of this. If I didn't include all of them, I was probably too lazy. But yeah. If they are wrong then it was most likely because I am too lazy to make all the different ammo types for each gun, or it was for balancing purposes. That's what I thought. :P You seemed to know quite a bit about firearms from what I saw in the game. Didn't seem like someone who would just get the information wrong unless they had a reason. |
Haha, I also have another, futuristic version of that game too.
Instead of zombies it is aliens, and weapons include laser guns, plasma guns, disruption guns and a variety of much more weird and wonderful guns with even weirder effects. It also includes a lot of items and tools and the likes. Most of them serve very little purpose at the moment because I never got around to finishing the game. But it include basic things such as paper that can be written on. Tools than can analyze the finger prints of anyone who has touched an objects, tools that can analyze DNA (from blood for example) and tools than can analyze a person. There is a variety of pills that can be used to contaminate food. Syringes that can be used to stab people and inject them with stuff. And also various parts that can be combined in different ways, such as triggering devices to attatch to grenades to make crude remotely detonated bombs and traps. It also includes more interactive scenery. Air vents that can be used to stash items, or you can throw a grenade down (such as smoke or poison) and have the gas from it spred to all other connected air vents. Cameras that can be set up, and looked out of remotely. Other scenery such as gas tanks when damaged will leak out gas, which can explode to devastating effects when met with an ignition source. Among other things. I would release it too, but a lot of the systems in it, especially the one related to gases were inefficient and not practical for a real game. But :[ At this rate I guess people are not interested in anything else I have to offer. Which by the way includes a fully working and functional turn based RPG battle system that you would find in most console jRPGs. A stratergy battle system that plays similar to console stratergy RPGs (like FFT). (Only the map you are currently on becomes the battle field, and other people could spectate) A game that plays similar to DoTA. A few very old games (4-5 years) that aren't much good really (other than as maybe examples of not what to do). And possibly the source code to what I am working on now, which if you ask me is actually pretty decent for a BYOND RPG (next weekend or maybe sometime later this week, depending on how fast I can add a few generic quests to the game I hope to have a testable version of the game avaliable for playing). |
It's nothing big, just a pet peeve of mine. A PKM is a machinegun, and deserves that scope as much as the M249 and the MG3 deserve it. Take it off the PKM. >_>
[EDIT]: I just noticed that you've gotten the chambering for most of the weapons wrong. For example: the AK47 is chambered for 7.62x39mm Russian, not 5.7x28mm. The M249 fires 5.56x45mm NATO, it's the MK48 (a machinegun that's based upon the M249) that fires 7.62x51mm NATO. (I know these weapon chamberings off of the top of my head. >_> )
Heheh, I'm only complaining about it because it's one of my pet peeves.
[EDIT]: I decided to post the correct chamberings and magazine capacities for each of the weapons, in case you want to fix these inaccuracies (Though it's understandable if you don't want to change magazine capacity for balance purposes). You probably got some of these right, I didn't bother to check each one. <_<
AK47: 7.62x39mm, 30 round capacity
HK416: 5.56x45mm NATO, 30 round capacity
M16: 5.56x45mm NATO, 30 round capacity
M4A1: 5.56x45mm NATO, 30 round capacity
HK21: 7.62x51mm NATO, (20,30,50,80, or 100)
M249: 5.56x45mm NATO, (30,100,200, Belt)
MG3: 7.62x51mm NATO, (Belt)
PKM: 7.62x54mm, (100,200,250, Belt)
Beretta 92: 9x19mm Parabellum, 15 round capacity
Desert Eagle: .357 Magnum (can be chambered for a variety of other rounds, including the notorious .50AE), 9 round capacity (for .357 Magnum)
Double Eagle: (.45ACP, .40S&W, 10mm Auto), 8 round capacity
Glock 34: 9x19mm Parabellum, (17,19,33)
Anaconda: .44 Magnum, 6 round capacity
Enfield Mk. 2: .476 Enfield, 6 round capacity
Python: .357 Magnum, 6 round capacity
I do not believe there is a Red Hawk revolver, so I can't provide info on it. XD
CZ 527: .223 Remington, 5 round capacity
Remington 700: .223 Remington, (3,4,5,6)
Ruger 77/22: .22 Long Rifle, (6,9,10)
Steyr Scout: .223 Remington, (5,10)
M4 Super 90: 12 Gauge, 6 round capacity
Mossberg 500 (there are many different shotguns produced by mossberg. 500 being the most popular): (12 Gauge, 20 Gauge, .410), (5,7,8)
SPAS-12: 12 Gauge, 8 round capacity
Sawn-off is a little too generic for me to provide details on. :P
Heh, you seem to really like .50 caliber anti-material rifles.
M93 Black Arrow: .50BMG, 5 round capacity
Steyr .50HS: .50BMG, Single Shot
PGM Hecate II: .50BMG, 7 round capacity
Barret M99: .50BMG, Single Shot (the Barret XM500 has a 10 round capacity)
I've never heard of the ANZA missile launcher.
I don't deal with Crossbows. :P
Milkor MGL: 40x46mm, 6 round capacity
RPG-29: PG29V, Single Shot
XM320: 40x46mm, Single Shot
P90: 5.7x28mm SS190, 50 round capacity
MP5: 9x19mm Parabellum, 30 round capacity
Steyr TMP: 9x19mm Parabellum, 30 round capacity
IMI Uzi: 9x19mm Parabellum, (25,32)