Well, with the release of Ubuntu Hardy Heron, we here at the Linux Guild encourage you to try it out if you haven't already. It comes in three flavours, depending on your taste in computers.
- If you want a straight deal that's easily customizable, you should go with the GNOME based distro, Ubuntu.
- If you're a person for eyecandy and looks, then you should try the KDE based distro, Kubuntu.
- If you're more of a person who prefers lightweight displays, the Xfce based distro Xubuntu is just right for you!
The best thing about Ubuntu linux, though, is that it's easy to use, and now more easy than ever! This release was designed to bring linux to the masses.
No matter what you choose to do, BYOND Linux Guild forums are available to anyone who needs help or just wishes to discuss something regarding linux.
So, with that, welcome to linux!
(In case you're wondering the timing with my writing this post: whenever Ubuntu releases are first distributed, downloads become really slow. Waiting a few days maximizes download speed.)
I plan on running Ubuntu 8.04 as my only operating system, so I'll be getting familiar with is fast, as it'll be my only option.