Simple question, but to answer it you first need to download and try out this...
Be warned, I wouldn't even release this for alpha testing, it most likely has bugs and a lot of things simply don't work yet.
But if you do try it then to get the most out of it simply run it, make a quick character, run the gd verb (will generae a dungeon, so could take a while) then the PopCave verb (again will take a while, WAIT until the dungeon has fully generated though).
After that use the zzp verb and go to the bottom left corner of that map to find the entrance to the dungeon.
Conrols are simple or the moment. A is attack, S is stealth mode, G picks up items, K kicks, O opens/closes doors, ; opens an input window for you to talk and < or > will walk up/down stairs (< and > are also stairs). Clicking on things with target those things (for ranged attacks or spells you have to target things).
Items are littered all over the place, [ is armor, ) is weapons, ! is potions, % is food. Double clicking on equipment will use it or dragging it to the appropriate place. Items are used by double clicking. In the inventory screen to drop items either drag them to the map or to the drop button at the top (there is two, one will be replaced by a throw button at a later date, the drop button is on the right), dragging and item to the drop button on the left will actually throw it. Throwing most items at the moment will simply deal damage (if they hit), throwing potions will produce whatever effect the potion would if quaffed. You can also drag certain potions over weapons to apply them to a weapon, this only works at the moment with status effecting potions (such as poison, confuse, blind ETC.)
Also, if you just want to play around with the game then use the ic verb, this will allow you to directly alter any variables you may have. sing the dump verb will display a list of all variables that can be edited (but change them at your own risk).
Changing StrBase, ConBase, IntBase, WisBase, AgiBase, DexBase and ChaBase are the only things I would do at the moment. They will change your characters stats (you will need to register the change afterwards however, this can be done with the ArmorSkill verb).
The Dense verb will also let you see everything and pass through objects.
As I said. At the moment this is not a demo, not an alpha testing stage, not something I would normally even show to people. But I have a question that can only be answered if you have tried this out.
Should I bother with this game anymore? I mean, would you play it if it were finished, or am I just wasting my time with it?
EDIT: Just uploaded a lightly improved version. The new thing is a few magical items just to show off the sort of things I have planned for the game.
Also, a second question. Do you think I should release the source code to this as well, just in case I never finish it?
I doubt anyone could find much use for the source code. The game is not close to being finished, the coding is fairly complex at parts, the source code is over 22,000 (admittedly over half of this is just data for items, monsters and so on) lines long and has practically NO COMMENTING at all.
But you know, despite all that is wrong with it maybe someone will find something in it that is usable? (Maybe someone could finish the project for me if and when I lose all motivation?)
So, think I should release the source code as well or not?
![]() Apr 23 2008, 1:04 am (Edited on Apr 23 2008, 11:34 am)
![]() Apr 23 2008, 6:37 pm
I couldn't get it to work for some reason...maybe it's just me.
IcewarriorX wrote:
I couldn't get it to work for some reason...maybe it's just me. It should work. You will need the latest version of BYOND and the game does take a short while to start up. But other than those there shouldn't be anything stopping it from working. |
Nope. When you run it, Dreamseeker stops responding before it ever even loads up for some reason. Highly peculiar.
That is strange, it works perfectly fine on my computer.
When I get home from work I will upload it again, only I'll stop anything that might start up when the world does and see if that is the problem. No idea why it is doing that though, might be a BYOND bug or it might have had something to do with when it was being uploaded. |
That is strange! I just downloaded and tried it on my computer, and it worked fine for me.
Anyway, Try that instead. That should work fine. |