In your face Mike H. You may have cancer, but I have:


Basically, if you don't already know, they're little white things that periodically build up in the pits of your tonsils, made from dead cells and little bits of food. They smell awful and can be a major cause of bad breath.
They feel like you've got a little bit of something lodged in your throat, like a stuck finger nail (if you bite yours- I do, and I always think it's that before looking in the mirror).

They're about the size of a pea and have the same colour and consistency of soggy bread.
If you think you're a sufferer like me, here's some tips on how to deal with them:

Try gargling warm salt water. That can help dislodge them, if it doesn't happen naturally.

If that fails, the old cotton bud whilst standing front of a mirror trick can knock them right out.

Some people just managed to cough 'em out- I envy them!
Goid luck!

clicky for more info.

(that's not my mouth in the pic btw. It's just ripped from wikipedia. My two (that I know of. I'm pretty sure I've had more in the past but didn't notice) tonsilloliths have been on the right side of my mouth, and his filling is too far forward to even remotely pass as the inside of my mouth)
I've had that before, it lasted a week before it went away. So don't worry it's not "life threatening".
Yeah, about everyone I know in person has had their tonsils taken out already (usually at a young age). Not to sound completely ignorant, but is it uncommon in England---and, well, Europe---for people to have their tonsils taken out?
When I had Tonsillolith I didn't get my tonsils removed.
Of course, I don't mean to have them removed in response to tonsillolith or whatever it's called (never heard of it, personally). Most everyone where I live has had them out simply because they prevent complications with things like tonsillitis and, presumably, this lithical problem. I used to get tonsillitis a lot when I was little.
Used to be common. Almost everyone my parents' age (and maybe a tinsy bit younger) have their tonsils taken out, but nowadays it's rare. There are better, less drastic ways of dealing with tonsil-related problems.