IainPeregrine featured the original PathWrath, but it has a host-run model. While the host may assign people to start the game, they still have to be online when the players are. Unfortunately, I have repeatedly found an empty server being hosted, which, although I appreciate the support, is useless to those new to BYOND. PathWrath 2 has a player-run model, which should be better BYOND advertising.
...Of course, if the rest of you developers would write some proper help files then I wouldn't need to feel so embarrassed by standing out, would I? ;)
- Enter BYOND Strategy's Incursion Interface Contest to encourage Lummox JR to finally update Incursion! I feel odd offering subscriptions to my games among the prizes, but there are ranks and a BYOND Membership (generously donated by YMIHere) included as well. Besides, this BYOND contest comes with what should be a guaranteed finish (generously donated by a weekly blog to nag Lummox JR with).
- Dream Makers is also having a Build Your Own Board Game contest. I don't know what the entries will be, but strategy games are a possibility. If I offer up my libraries, will you forgive me for not delaying BYOND Strategy's contest?
- Foomer posted a game concept called Rock-Paper-Scissors++ that some of you might want to look at for boardgame contest ideas. In the comments, Acebloke asked if he could make it part of Law of the Board and was approved.
- Foomer also commented on a strategy game design article... Note that neither blog post contains a visible permalink so I had to edit the addresses. I think it's the BYOND Casual guildmaster's passive aggressiveness combined with self-loathing for posting strategy news. ;)
- I entered Bandock's Text City Simulator into the guild. Development is still on hiatus and there are currently bugs, but Bandock released a download.
- Vexonator's Insurgency has been removed from the guild. There is neither a working download nor a regular server. Should either become available, back into the guild it goes.
- Traztx posted twice about Splategy this week and somehow still gets bumped down the list due to guild news! There's a lot of info in the first link and a small screenshot in the second. The screenshot might be the first we've seen of his orthogonal engine... which is to say that it's still worth looking at even if it's not the Reason To Play pic that his site links to. (At least my YouTube women hide their midriffs! Usually.)
- Hedgemistress was on the pager for days and I didn't bug her to get the Manifesto! download working again. =(
- I released the PathWrath 2 update that I mentioned last week. It contains some bug fixes, some interface changes, and a new (little) deck of cards.
- I've been redesigning Occupied Forces to be bit more chaotic and fun. I think I've finished the skin. I'm going one by one through the turn phases now. I'm not quite done with the new Deploy phase yet.
Got news? My socks don't match.
I agree it's not good to feature games that people join only to find out they can't play. No prob with you featuring your version instead.
BTW, what is a "proper" help file?