I remember from awhile back about a site called freerice.com where you can answer SAT like vocab questions to donate rice.
I have no idea how it works, but it seems like a good way to at least challenge your classics and etymology knowledge:
My best is level 39.
Apr 17 2008, 10:13 am
The Magic Man wrote:
I'm not saying that website is bad, but if you want to donate rice to charity it is much, much quicker and cheaper to just go out and buy it. While what you're saying may be true, this website is still useful. For one, what about the types of people that would be doing nothing other than sitting on their computers anyways? If they donated some of it, it has already helped considering there is zero chance that a lot of the people who have played that game would ever send donations. Two, it is helpful because it may even increase the intelligence of some people. |
I mean, a bag of rice costs... Half a dollar? And has probably tens of thousands, if not more grains of rice in it.
If you sat playing that game for 10 hours you'd be lucky to even get a fraction of that, but the electricity used to power your PC, monitor and modem for that time would cost more than a bag of rice (and would probably do more damage to the environment).
If you ask me it'd make much more sense to turn off your PC, go out and get a job and then donate a few dollars to charity. It might not seem like much, but it is a lot more than you could ever do on a website like that.