good grief, you'd think that the entire staff of BYOND- owners, developers, and forum staff- were involved in some sort of plot to deny BYOND from the un-washed masses, leaving all the goodies to only those that can afford it like some badly twisted outlook of a tabloid communist regime.

unfortunately my opinion of this current generation of panic-struck, puberty-laden kids has sunk to new all-time lows.

folks, rest assured that Dan, Tom, and the rest of the staff have discussed at great length a huge variety of options that not only keep the core BYOND functions free, but also provide a means of supporting BYOND's future development.

don't ruin it for others by spouting out factless crap, spreading un-warranted panic, and showing the world how truely shallow your particular gene-pool really is. those of you who whine and complain about the death of BYOND, or that DanTom and staff 'have no right to do this', are un-deserving and ignorant of their hard work and long-term dedication to this community and gaming language. you people make the community look bad, and do little more than make yourselves look like idiots.

your rock is calling- best crawl back under it.
Amen brother!
Digi- you pwn like a true man.
Wow. Very nicely said, mate!

psst, the incontinent cat pees at dawn... pass it on!
Whoa, very well said. Part of the BYOND community has been owned. :)
well done, sir.