This isn't directly related to BYOND roleplaying, per se, but it's certainly a major event in the tabletop roleplaying world. You might remember my failed attempt at getting a game of Nobilis going here. The author of the system has been otherwise occupied for quite a while, so the game itself has gotten little attention over the years. To make matters worse, its publishing situation is caught up in a world of red tape, making a dead-tree copy of the book almost impossible to find for MSRP (it's considered a collector's item, apparently).

It seems that Nobilis might be seeing something of a revival in the form of a reprint. In addition, it's also received its very first official supplement. It's only available in PDF format, sadly, but it contains several interesting new concepts, including the long awaited elaboration on flower magic and alchemy. Even better, it's free, courtesy of the author herself. Of course, you can still pay a token $5 at (see earlier link) to show your support for the revival, and appreciation for the new content.

If you like roleplaying and you enjoy thinking creatively, I strongly urge you to take a good hard look at Nobilis. It's a wonderful game that's virtually unheard of, and that really needs to change. I'd be happy to share the PDF of the source book with anyone interested, if only because I know you'll fall in love with it after reading and rush out to buy the reprint as soon as it's available.
I still have the pdf uploaded, if anyone is interested.
No offense, but weren't you dead? Sorry if I'm off topic.
Yammen wrote:
No offense, but weren't you dead? Sorry if I'm off topic.

Not to my knowledge, no.
Oh, you're just scared of Chatters because of the Plague of Xooxer?
Yammen wrote:
Oh, you're just scared of Chatters because of the Plague of Xooxer?

Something like that.

This really isn't the place to discuss it.