The initial priority queue system for Splategy has been debugged and tested successfully. This system was created with recursive methods, so there is extra overhead involved. I'll replace it with an iterative version later when I'm ready to do some optimization.
It was a learning process, where I found out some things about how Byond deletes stuff during assignment, and discovered that the src var has some kind of protection on it.
One thing I'm curious about is whether Byond would del all the nodes without me micromanaging that part. I implemented Del() based on an assumption that it wouldn't, but after seeing how efficiently Byond cleans other parts up without my intervention I think I should check into it.
But as for now, the A* pathfinding algorithm can be implemented. So that's where I will focus development next.
Apr 9 2008, 8:35 pm
Apr 9 2008, 9:34 pm
I'm too tired to read that but I see A* in there and its nice to know that somebody is working on something that sounds kind of creative.